A review of Norwegian support to Development Workshop’s programme for civic and electoral education among state and civil society actors
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Om publikasjonen
Utgitt: | September 2008 |
Type: | Norad-innsamlede rapporter |
Utført av: | Aslak Orre, CMI, (team leader) and Christian Larssen, with input from Manolo Sánchez, Scanteam |
Bestilt av: | Norad |
Område: | Angola |
Tema: | Sivilt samfunn, Demokrati |
Antall sider: | 43 |
Serienummer: | 26/2008 |
ISBN: | 978-82-7548-339-1 |
Prosjektnummer: | AGO-2526 |
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir
The Project
The objective of the Development Work programme was to prepare and educate Angolan citizens for future elections through a national process of civic and electoral education. The UNDP Trust Fund for Civic Education has as the planned outcome, to empower citizens and increase their participation in public policy decision-making processes. Norway supported the Development Workshop in 2005 with NOK 10.5 million and with an extension in 2007 of NOK 1.7 million. There are no other donors. The UNDP Trust Fund was established in 2006 for a period of two years. It has received funds from three donors, Norway, Sweden and USA. The Norwegian contribution was NOK 5 million.
Interesting Findings
- The population has in general a rather low level of knowledge about civic rights and the political system and showed a general apprehension for the regime in power and fear of backlash after the elections similar to what happened after the 1992 elections, but also considerable enthusiasm for peace and democratisation.
- Both programmes are relevant and they have succeeded in establishing a network of civil society organisations for civic education that covers large parts of the country and has developed the capacity of the organisations involved to undertake this job.
- The quality of the civic education varies. Some promoters are said to have insufficient competence and motivation. More innovation with respect to the delivery of the messages and better adaptation to the needs of the target groups are called for.
- The dominance of the ruling regime is a challenge which is not confronted. Political courage in promoting civil rights is recommended.