Proyecto Agroforestal Comunitario Sostenible en Centroamérica, PASCA REDD Comunitaria

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2016
Utført av:Vania Martínez
Antall sider:48

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During 2010-2013, DF provided funding to the project: Sustainable community- based agro-forestry in Central America –PASCA I-.  The project was implemented by FADCANIC in the communities of Pearl Lagoon, in the Autonomus Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua.   From 2013-2016, DF provided funding to a second project,  known as  " Proyecto Agroforestal Comunitario Sostenible en Centro América – PASCA RED  Comunitaria –PASCA II”


The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess the overall achievement of results of PASCA and to identify the main challenges for the sustainability of  the activities iniated by the project. Moreover, the evaluation should assess the progress and sustainability of Climate Adapted villages in the region. As a final purpose, the evaluation should assess the participation and influence of the local governments in the territory of Pearl Lagoon.


The evaluation used secondary information such as applications and reports both financial and narrative. Field visits and key interviews were also carried out with project staff from the local partner (FADCANIC) and programme coordinator at DF.

Key findings

Among the benefits mentioned are better ability to plan and manage the  farms, improved productivity, improved food availability in both quantity and variety, additional income from surplus sales. The project also provided them with technical assistance, vegetative material to diversify crops including fruit trees, fruit (orange, coconut, cocoa, lemon, pejibaye, chile, chiltoma, banana, guava, Pineapple, passion fruit), and other promising products (curcuma to produce curry, ginger, cinnamon). The project promoted coconut cultivation, very traditional in the area, from which you can take advantage of all the fruit, including the compost tow and the charcoal shell.

The project worked to encourage the effective participation of young people and women in local decision-making processes. Young people received training in subjects such as: Law of Autonomy (Law 28), Territorial demarcation law (Law 445), Fisheries law, reforestation, climate change, cultural values, leadership, self-esteem and formulation of youth agendas, among others. 17 young people were supported with generation of business profiles and 5 of them obtained financing. Women were encouraged to participate in regional government assemblies or other political events or platforms and are encouraged to be the main protectors of natural resources. Project records show that in 2013 only 7% of government positions were occupied by women, while in 2014 it was reported 22% and in 2015 it increased to 50%.

The project also promoted new technologies such as biomass saving stoves,  the protection and management of 200 has of forest in the community of San Vicente, and the use of coconut shell as a substitute for coal.  The methodology of climate adapted villages has also helped the community of Pearl Lagoon to plan for a changing climate.  

The establishment of a local cooperative Ebo Flowers, took more time than expected, but it is a good outcome of the project, in consolidating  local organisation.

The phasing out process from the Development Fund was rather acelerated. FADCANIC did not prepare enough to cope with the phasing out.  The evaluator considers, that the emerging cooperative Ebo Flowers still need follow up and more financial support from DF  in order to consolidate it as a local cooperative.


  • The monitoring system  in FADCANIC  was not good enough to report quantitative effects of activities implemented. FACDANIC should work further on better monitoring systems to be able to document better their impact in Pearl Lagoon.
  • DF should continue supporting the emerging cooperative Ebo Flowers for its consolidation.

DF’s comment and use of the evaluation

DF is phased out FADCANIC in December 2016, and continued collaboration with the organisation is not included in the new strategy and programme. The results from the evaluation are shared with FADCANIC, so they are able to continue activities in Pearl Lagoon by their own means.