One Week in Moshi 10733 evaluation report

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:August 2015
Utført av:Matt Thomas, Jigsaw Consulting, UK
Bestilt av:Kristen Idrettskontakt - KRIK
Tema:HIV/AIDS, Kultur og sport
Antall sider:22
Prosjektnummer:Digni 10733, Norad QZA-12/0763-47

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KRIK and CHRISC works to enhance potential of young people in the East Africa region through sports. CHRISC became registered as organizations in Tanzania and Uganda in 2003, followed by Kenya in 2004. KRIK has been a main partner since this.

An ever increasing %-age of the population in the region are people below 30 years of age. This group face numerous obstacles; amongst them social, political and cultural. Many suffer from abuse and economical exploitation. Sub-Saharan Africa is according to UNAIDS-report, the world's hardest-hit region on HIV/AIDS

In 2003, East Africa Cup (EAC) was started by CHRISC, KRIK and NPA (Norwegian People's Aid). The idea was to give sporting opportunities and build bridges between youths from different countries.

EAC moved to Moshi and continued with a gradually stronger emphasis on education, awareness and training. The event includes a broad range of educational courses and seminars for participants, and seminars for leaders/volunteers as well.

Over 20 organizations are participating, so networking and sharing of best practices

In 2012, CHRISC recognised that EAC could be enhanced by including year-round activities to encourage greater inclusion of girls and disabled youths, both in EAC specifically, but also in the area year-round.

There was also a need to strengthen the administrative capacity and local ownership.


The primary objective was to evaluate the project, highlight progress achieved, documenting best practice, highlighting areas of weaknesses and threats, and developing recommendations.


There are three distinct phases:

  1. Background review conducted of relevant materials (documents from KRIK & CHRISC) and briefings from key staff of KRIK and CHRISC
  2. Interview template designed by research team (with inputs from CHRISC) to be used with beneficiaries, staff, volunteers, partners and other stakeholders
  3. Field visit in Moshi in addition to a couple of interviews in Nairobi

Key findings


Most helpful training and greatest change for individual: Improved sports skills, reduction in harmful behaviour, increased self-esteem and confidence Greatest change in community; Reduction in harmful behaviour, greater gender equality, inclusion of marginalised (young and disabled).


Drug and alcohol addiction, gender inequality, discrimination and unemployment are challenges in the community.

Activities by CHRISC has helped reduce idleness, which draws people away from harmful practices. Positive signs in the work with disabled and in the quest for gender equality, but more work is needed and activities should be offered year-round to there target groups.

The project has not helped combat unemployment, which neither is the project's task. 100% spoken to in interviews stated they felt EAC is better planned and implemented as a result of this project.

Local community and institutions are more enganged, which lead to more effective committees and much better organised event.



  • There should be developed a clear strategy document for the coming 5-year period
  • Increased focus on year-round activities, especially for vulnerable target groups such as girls and disabled youths.
  • CHRISC should develop a strong M&E-system, including new data tools
  • More training, both in quality (higher level of competence) and more consistently

Comments from the organisation, if any

The findings and conclusions are very helpful, and the recommendations are shared and discussed with partners to find the way forward. Both CHRISC and KRIK send a management letter each to Digni.