Naticc End of Project Evaluation Report: Addressing Gender Based Violence and Child Abuse in the Shiselweni Region

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:April 2016
Utført av:Interdem Development Management Consulting
Antall sider:79

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Free Evangelical Assemblies in Swaziland started this project in 2012, and the the main aim of the program has been to curb the prevalence of GBV and child abuse and to offer support to survivors of abuse in Swaziland, specifically in the Shiselweni region. This evaluation was initiated by the Feee Evangelical Assemblies in Swaziland and their sister church in Norway “De Frie Evangeliske Forsamlinger”. It aims to identify the program’s contribution for the reduction of GBV incidence and prevalence in the program areas and to see the whether the program achieved its predetermined outcomes.


The primary purpose of this evaluation was to assess the impact of the intervention based on its relevance, effectiveness to the target population, and programme sustainability, as well as lessons learned. All methods used to assess the project towards meeting its set objectives.


This evaluation used a mix of document review, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and data collection with a view to triangulating data from different sources such as: NATICC Staff, Key GBV actors (Ministry of Justice ( Nhlangano Magistrate Court), Swaziland Royal Police (DCS- Nhlangano), DPM’s Office ( Gender Unit), Department of Social Welfare (Nhlangano), UNFPA, Pasture Valley Children’s Home, Baylor Children’s Clinic (Hlathikhulu), Survivors and/or family members of survivors  In-Charge Nurse – NATICC AHF clinic), Focus Discussion Groups from 12 communities and a Household Survey (interview with 225 households).

The evaluator also conducted a document review to supplement the above methodological strategies.

Key findings

  • The evaluation team was impressed with the organization, delivery and facilitation of programmes and activities despite very limited human and financial resources and high turnover, which is common in the NGO sector. Maintaining survivors’ confidentiality and the mediatory role NATICC played to help integrate survivors and perpetrators in the community were highlighted by beneficiaries as some of the outstanding services provided by NATICC. Overall, the NATICC programme had a positive effect on survivors the quality of service they received from the organisation. GBV survivors are also empowered with knowledge on their rights and linked to economic empowerment service providers. The key informants’ interviews confirmed that services provided by NATICC are greatly appreciated by clients and other stakeholders in the community.
  • NATICC played a key role in providing services to survivors. The service was integrating psychosocial support; ART medical care where necessary and relevant, court preparation, and external referral for further medical care and legal support. The relationship NATICC built with other stakeholders and government ministries enabled them to provide a virtual one-stop centre.
  • According to the reviewed documents a total of 13,398 (6.3 percent of the population in the region, 2007 National Census) of women, men and children were reached through community dialogues, church programmes and school programmes on GBV and Information Education and Communication (IEC) material. A total of 283 community leaders were sensitized on GBV issues through the NATICC programme.
  • The team found that the dominance of prevention activities and messages disseminated focused mainly on various types of violence against women and girls with little to no discussions of violence against men and boys. The other significant gap noted by the evaluation team was addressing the connection between alcohol abuse and GBV.
  • The NATICC data did show increased reporting of GBV matter and child abuse over the years. This increased reporting could be an indication that GBV outreach messages encourages individuals to report incidences of GBV and to seek help and to break the silence which shows that the project is having a positive impact on the community.
  • One of the key successes NATICC has done was developing protocols and quality control and operational procedures for GBV handling which is aligned with international GBV handling standards. NATICC played an active role in almost all of the GBV activities in the Shiselweni region and provided support to a significant proportion of the prevention and response effort and contributing to the national interventions. In every conversation the evaluation team had with various GBV actors, from individuals in the field to those in more senior positions, they spoke about NATICC as indispensable.
  • NATICC’s trainings were considered to be the most effective tools to promote prevention of violence and insight behaviour change.
  • Although NATICC has encouraged and supported communities to take ownership in advocacy, it is unlikely that communities will continue to meet and conduct advocacy at the same momentum once NATICC departs. In addition, the lack of formal linkages between communities and permanent service providers raised concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of the advocacy process in the long term.


  • Share the findings with government, especially the Gender Consortium and donors, as advocacy highlighting the remaining gap.
  • Develop community based structures (advocacy groups) where capacity building should be done.
  • Introduce GBV survivor referral cards to enhance coordination and feedback, to ensure confidentiality, to ensure safety and security, to avoid duplication and to improve the accuracy of data collection nationwide.
  • Conduct dialogues in capacity building on GBV and child rights among youth and children to ensure that they have enough knowledge and life skills as they transition into adulthood.
  • Introduce GBV pre- and in-service training to teachers, students, police and nurses.
  • Case conferencing: Develop structures and systems that will ensure that the GBV actors come together to share resources, information and providing feedback to 
each other regarding processes and progress on various cases. 

Comments from the organisation

The findings in this evaluation became very important when the new project was formed – “Fighting GBV and reducing teenage pregnancy”. Recommendations regarding increased focus on advocacy, communities, case conferencing and involvement of the youth and children are key areas in the new project.