Mid term evaluation report 2012 South West Synod - Community Based Health Service Project (SWS-CBHSP)

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Utført av:Zonal Office of Finance & Economic Development (BoFEd), Water Desk, Health Department, Women & Children’s Affairs Office and South West Synod DASSC
Bestilt av:Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM)
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:GLO-07/107-345, 367, 368

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The South West Synod – Community Based Health Service Project (SWS-CBHSP) started its operation as a first phase project in 2010. The main components of the project are: Hiv/AIDS, Water, Hygiene and Sanitation and HTPs. The project had an agreement to work with the district level water desk, health office and women and children’s affairs office. The project established a very good working relationship with the district offices; especially the involvement and engagement of the water desk in ensuring sustainability of the project had been great.

To examine to what extent the project objectives achievements started as stated in the project documents.
• To assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of approaches and strategies in relation to local government ownership of project activities and building local capacity to carry out on the project.
• Assess the existing potentials for sustainability of the project in the near future.
• To assess the resource utilization and level of community participation.
• Assess project management, organizational set up and the staff capacity to efficiently plan and implement the project activities.
• Assess the extent of co-signatories participation/ contribution in the project planned activities implementation process.
• Assess how the project worked to empower women.
• Assess the quality / standard of the work undertaken.
• Identify challenges as well as lessons learned during project implementation process.
• Assess the target group perception and overall project out puts & outcomes.

The midterm Evaluation was undertaken by collecting Qualitative and Quantitative data using the following methodologies.
• Document reviewing (like midterm report, financial & audit report and project document.
• Briefing by the project owner.
• Field assessement (site visit)
• Focus group discussions.
• Interviewing target groups.
• Discussion with District government officials.

Key findings:
The Ethiopian Evangelical church Mekane Yesus  South West Synod  development and social services  commission  (DASSC) performed  a  two and half years April 2010- Nov 2012 Community based health service project in Arbaminch Zuria District and Boreda District of Gamo Gofa Zone . The project is funded by Norwegian Lutheran mission and planned to provide for five years a total amount of Birr 2,500,000 and until this midterm evaluation it has been utilized Birr 2,279,557.46 which is 91% of the plan. According to the project explanation while we are at their office for evaluation discussions they verified that unexpected cost for water schemes raised the utilization which is also agreed with the donor that the budget will be liable to 20% annual increase due to the inflation risk. So that the evaluation findings revealed that the time lines of

• Whenever there is revision of physical plan and financial, the project should consult first signatories.
• In order to develop ownership spirit awareness creation and refreshment trainings should be given ( specially at Boreda)
• Those on spot schemes which are waiting for an extension at Boreda need more attention not to disappoint communities.
• In all places where water schemes were constructed  surrounding should be fenced for protection ( government offices should be concerned )
• On utilization of water and sanitation Woreda office of water and Health should exercise joint monitoring.
• Still marginalization needs refreshment trainings on target communities and in a new way on neighboring Kebeles.

Eventually, appreciating the contribution of the project in addressing target community needs and in alleviating bottle necks of social transformation in Boreda and Arbaminch areas, it is further recommended that excelling/extending/replicating the outcomes to other pocket parts of Gamo highlands whereby similar HTPs are practiced. Moreover, water and sanitation needs of the community still show gaps to fill thus EECMY-DASSC and its funding partner, NLM, should give due attention.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
The SWS-CBHSP has done an amazing work on tackling marginalization among the Genta community. The Genta minority community has experienced social exclusion which had been a common phenomenon in Genta area of Gamo Gofa zone. It was with realization of such harmful traditions that the Synod has made tremendous effort to avoid this deep-rooted problem which existed for centuries. Accordingly, during the past three years of the project period, in-depth raising activities and community mobilization have been carried out through community dialogues, conversations and conferences.