Mid-term evaluation of the “Inclusive Quality Pre-Primary and Primary Education for Roma/Egyptian Children” Project

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Utført av:Mr.Ilir Gedeshi, national consultant
Bestilt av:Save the Children Norway
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:0

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The goal of the SCiA project is to “provide children from different ethnic groups with the opportunity to interact and socialize, learn about each other, thus improving inter-ethnic relations among the mainstream schools students and wider community”. This report assesses the progress at the end of the mid-term phase and provides some recommendations for the next phase.

To present a mid-line status on the progress of the project with a view on how the project, or elements of it, can serve as a model for replication. Scope of the evaluation:
• Compare the effectiveness of the project models and make recommendations on how elements of one or more other could be applied in Albania on a regional/ national level.
• Assess the progress of implementation with reference to time-frame and project objectives
• Assess the quality and relevance of interventions related to stated objectives: changes in attitudes and practices, Roma children’s school-enrolment and retention, classroom participation and academic performance.
• Assess the involvement of parents’ and community in children’s education
• Assess teachers’ capacity for teaching in a multi-cultural classroom
• Assess the progress of the children compared to the baselines and records provide by SCiA. 
• Assess monitoring tools and documentation of impact
• Assess organizational structure and the capacity of staff and partners to achieve the expected results
• Identify main obstacles to project achievement and recommend how these can be overcome
• Assess in what ways the organization (SCiA) coordinates and cooperates with other actors and recommend any improvement.
• Assess transfer of knowledge, advocacy and project sustainability.
• Identify critical issues that should be considered for the remaining period of project implementation
• Literacy review, including UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank, ERRC, Soros Foundation reports, and other studies and reports on the situation of Roma in Albania and other Central and Eastern European countries. Project documentation review (project proposal and the budget, as well as some of the school records and statistics, annual and quarterly work plans, progress reports and other documents as relevant);
• Briefing and debriefing with Roma Inclusive Education Project staff in Tirana;
•Field visits in Korca and Gjirokastra regions where the Roma Inclusive Education Project has been operating;
•Review of school documents for assessing some of the progress related with academic progress, retention rate, absenteeism etc.
• Questionnaires (with 100 Roma parents), interviews and focus group discussion with staff, beneficiaries and partners (students, Roma parents, Regional Education Authorities, teachers, moderators and other relevant actors) to assess the quality of implementation and the impact of project activities in terms of the projects’ stated objectives;
• Meetings with the Ministry of Education officials, Institute of Curricula and Training researchers, NGOs representatives and other donors active in the field of Roma inclusion and education;
• Submitted a draft report one week after debriefing to Roma Inclusive Education project staff  in Tirana;
• Revised the draft report based on comments given by Roma Inclusive Education Project staff in Tirana.

The analytic work for this report included primary and secondary data analysis, and involved a desktop review of relevant literature; quantitative and qualitative methods, and; one stakeholder workshop.
Key findings  
1. The SCiA project is addressing a real need. The socio-economic situation within the locations the project targets is desperate. Poverty levels, unemployment and illiteracy in these locations is very high.
2. The project has chosen the most problematic locations. In few other locations in Albania inhabited by large groups of R/E is the situation so problematic. This shows that the targeting and relevance of the project in the two locations is good.
3. The project has built good relations with R/E communities, local and central government and other partners. These relations need to be deepened and formalized in the future, while R/E communities should have a more and more active role in the project. This process should take place in a context where local and central government shall take growing responsibility regarding R/E communities. Furthermore, the project should continue to build upon synergies with other local partners as well as with international ones.
4. The project has contributed to empowering the R/E communities and this is the novelty of it. To consolidate these results and to grow the project’s sustainability it is necessary that the project continues for another period. The time factor is necessary considering the low education level of R/E communities.
5. The project team is highly dedicated and motivated. During its mission, the Consultant observed that the team of the project received a great deal of respect from the concerned R/E communities, and that the team was dedicated and motivated in solving their problems. The participation in the team of the moderators from R/E communities has markedly impacted on the level of trust, respect and engagement of the community.
6. The project has addressed a gender balance. More than 1/3 of mediators and more than half of parents, consultative body, etc are comprised of women and girls.
7. The project is multidimensional. 
• SCiA shall lobby more with the MoE and REA-s regarding the ownership of the main elements of the project, especially regarding the a) performance of the R/E history and culture during the extracurricular hours, in order to strengthen the identity and respect for diversity among students; and b) the conducting of extra classes. For this purpose SCiA shall cooperate also with the national and local media in order to promote its activities and the results of this project. 
• SCiA shall create a partnership and lobby with the local governance, NGO-s and international organizations regarding the continuation of some services after the end of the project. For instance, the financing of the feeding of a part of R/E children in the kindergartens is a measure that triggers their participation in such institutions and their later registration in schools. The same thing can be said about the financing of some school activities for a part of the R/E children.
• SCiA by means of the REF funds must review the possibility to continue the project for another period and to expand it also in other schools of Korca and Gjirokastra. It has already acquired an experience that can be replicated.
Comments from the organization, if any