External evaluation of the CTI programs in Vale do Javari supported by Rainforest Foundation Norway

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Utført av:Arne Mortensen and Mônica de Roure
Bestilt av:Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN)
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:0

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A partnership was initiated in 1994 between CTI and the Rainforest Foundation of Norway (RFN) when the two organizations agreed to cooperate toward the implementation of a series of projects intended to support the efforts of the indigenous peoples and their communities’ attempts to assume effective control over any intervention in their territories. The partnership has subsequently been continued, and in 2007 it was agreed to start the two projects included in the evaluation. They are both being implemented in Vale do Javari, located in the western part in the state Amazonas. The two projects are based on the principle of empowerment of indigenous people and their organizations and promotion of their institutional rights. While one of them aims to promote indigenous peoples’ participation in territorial administration and environmental and cultural conservation and defense, the other project aims at promotion and affirmation indigenous peoples’ rights and the protection of the autonomous indigenous population and their territories in the frontier region between Brazil and Peru.

• To analyze the relevance, the performance, the efficiency and the sustainability of CTI´s programs/projects in relation to the project’s /program’s impact on local, regional and national public policy developments.
• To analyze the structure, the function and the performance within the administrative/financial area in relation to given demands and contribute with suggestions, recommendations and presentation of new models aimed at improvement and reorganization of the techno-financial procedures.
• Presentation of suggestions and ideas aiming to institutionally strengthen the CTI and the indigenous partner organizations by analyzing the relevance/convenience and the need for introducing new development strategies and improved fundraising by CTI.

The evaluation included careful analysis and studies of relevant organizational, program and project documentation. Additionally, evaluation work was based on a participatory approach involving CTI staff. Interviews of partners, target groups, other organizations and government agencies were conducted.

Key findings:
CTI´s performance at national level:
While CTI maintains a high degree of different sectorial relations with a number of relevant institutions and organizations, the outreach can be further expanded to increase influence on a national level.

The project “gestão participativa na conservação socioambiental do Vale do Javari (2008-12) (funded with Norad resources):
The project is very proactive, widely recognized and highly appreciated in the local political arena. Furthermore, it is clear that the project staff is strongly committed to the cause of the indigenous people. However, there is a certain tendency to shift focus and priority from goal orientation to activity orientation, assumingly a result of the overwhelming demands, needs and challenges faced by the project staff.

The project “Afirmação de direitos e proteção de territórios na Amazonia: Os povos indigenas autónomas na fronteira Brasil-Peru” (2008-10):
Through the project CTI has proven to be a pioneer in the active involvement in the activities by the Protection Front established at the entry to the indigenous park. The efforts to create coordination and synergy between the indigenous organizations, which operate on either side of the border, has showed some interesting and promising perspectives and results for further development, cooperation and joint activities. It is therefore recommended that CTI continue and extend these important efforts.

Internal communication:
Most focus is dedicated to projects and project activities rather than systematic planning and internal coordination on issues such as fundraising and long-term organizational sustainability. Responsibility for programme sustainability is decentralized to the programmes themselves, leading to a disintegrated institutional vision.

• Better use of the web site to create more publicity
• Explore possibilities for the establishment of more contacts and more interaction with a number of potential partners.
• Explore the possibilities strategic partnerships with other likeminded civil society organizations and others.
• Work on indicators (shift from quantitative to qualitative) to make shift from activity- to results-focus.
• Re-introduce administrative handbook and identify possibilities for organizational development and structural changes and improvements.
• Organize and intensify the fundraising by changes in the internal organization.

Comments from the organisation, if any:
The evaluation was discussed in a subsequent meeting during which CTI gave their comments. Although they disagreed with some of the finding, it was generally accepted that steps would have to be taken to further develop the organization and the vision of the programmes (in which the RFN-supported projects are included). An agreement was signed between RFN and CTI. It included several areas where improvement were needed, and would be followed up on in subsequent meetings between the two organizations.