Assam Riot Victims’ Rehabilitation / Development Support (ARRP) - Mid Term Review Report

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Utført av:Rainbow Christian Academy Pvt. Ltd.Dr. Raj Kumar and Priya Rajkumar
Bestilt av:Normisjon
Antall sider:0

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Following the ethnic conflict between Bodo and Santhal communities in May 1996 and September 1998 in districts of Assam, the Lutheran World Service India Trust (LWSIT) initiated an intervention for riot affected families in three phases – Relief (1996 to 2002), Rehabilitation (2003 to 2008) and Development (2009 to 2013). The current project (2009 to 2013) was initiated to consolidate the work done, and to strengthen the rehabilitated communities for work towards their own development.

The purpose of the review was to assess the progress of the project towards its set goals, assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project. Evaluate the achievements made, challenges faced and make suggestions for the future strategy.

The mid-term review was conducted during the period 7th to 29th November, 2011. Using a participatory approach, the following process was adopted. A preliminary meeting was held with senior project staff to understand the project goals, objectives and local context. In another meeting with project leaders of the zones, tools for evaluation were developed together with a plan for visiting the project areas. Another staff meeting was held prior to data collection, in which all 25 staff participated. During this meeting, the lessons learnt, challenges faced, work methods, coordination with unit office, learning needs and future strategy, were discussed.
The data collection included visits to all six zones of the project. Group discussions and interviews were conducted with the help of interpreters in these project areas. In all, 389 persons participated in this process, including self-help groups (SHGs), village development committees (VDC), and other community members who had benefitted from the project. Members of the Central Advisory Committee and Government officials were also interviewed.

Key findings:
The functional women’s self-help groups (SHG) are a good indicator of community mobilization. However, training given to the SHGs and methods of developing leadership need further strengthening.
Tube wells have been constructed within the community and used as common wells. Community members show willingness to repair the wells on their own and share the water with other families, which is appreciable. The social forestry in Patgaon is well maintained and the support in the form of seed and seedlings has been used well.
Release of mortgaged land is an important area where further work can be done. Short term programs may not be effective in helping people to become more aware of their rights and exercise them effectively.
Starting pre primary school is a good initiative of LWS where children learn together. The teachers are not adequately trained in teaching children, 3 to 5 years old. The teaching aids may also be inadequate.
The community members have increased awareness of HIV. The CHV training did not work well because it was short term and there is a lack of adequate referral services, indicating the need for linkages between the CHV and available medical services.
Income generating activities, such as rearing and selling of livestock seem to be profitable. However, death and sickness of animals resulted in losses. The possibility of training SHGs on preventive measures, identifying symptoms of illnesses and simple treatment for sick animals can be explored.
Establishing community-based organizations was a good initiative. Some are active and others may take time to become active. The project has made attempts to build the managerial capacity of social structures. However, in our opinion, the managerial capacity has not developed adequately enough to function independently.
The project staff was able to mobilize Government resources as well as local resources. The local volunteers play an important role in project implementation activities.

• Reconsider changing the existing plan for the years 2012 and 2013.
• Focus on strengthening the capacity of community based organizations to take over and sustain 
the program.
• Consider developing proper documentation on the rules and regulations governing the CBO’s.
• Traditional methods of giving training should be replaced with experiential learning and good follow up. Develop these training modules on a priority basis.
• Trainers should be carefully selected, having adequate facilitation skill. Give less emphasis on the lecture method.
• Training of community-based organizations should be made substantial, adequate and relevant. Train preferably married women if possible.
• Develop a proper curriculum for non-formal education and pre primary education.
• Focus on development issues and enhancing the community’s participation in moving from 
dependency to interdependency. Conduct programs to empower the community to be able to mobilize resources for the common benefit.
• Provide in-depth orientation and exposure to the Central Advisory Committee members on 
development issues and initiatives.
• Strengthen the capacity of key project staff on development concepts, particularly building their 
people skills, facilitation skills and knowledge of approaches to community development.
• Increase the number of female staff in every zone to balance the number of male staff, and to reach out effectively to women beneficiaries.