Final Evaluation of EECMY Armachiho Food Security Development Project (2008-2010)

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Utført av:Finance and Economic Development N. Gondar Zone
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Antall sider:0
Prosjektnummer:PID 10025

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The three years AFSDP was implemented in three Kebele Administrations, namely; Kerker Bale-Egzeabhair, Chira Ambezo of Lay Armachiho District and Sabiya Sayina of Gonder Town Adminstration Periphery, North Gonder Zone Amhara Regional State. The project was planned to benefit 4,128 households with family members of 20,640.

Major project components were; Natural resources conservation, High land fruit adaptation, engaging poor women in Income generating schemes, WATSAN, HIV/AIDS prevention & control, Gender Development and Capacity Building.

Terminal evaluation was conducted at the end of the implementation period, by Zonal and Woreda Government Departments/Offices, the benefiting communities, the implementing partner (EECMY-DASSC) and NCA/E. The evaluation methodologies include; reviewing main documents of the project being based on the project report, physical observation of the project sample outputs through field visit, interviewing the beneficiaries, joint discussion with the evaluation team on the findings, conclusions and recommendations.

Purpose/ Objective:
Objectives of the project were:
- Integrated and improved agricultural and natural resources management practices for improved food security  and income levels at the end of 2010;

- Increased coverage of water, sanitation and hygiene services, and

- increased awareness on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health, at the end of the project period

As a primary data source: Interview, discussions with stakeholders and beneficiaries.
Secondary: Project documents review; Project plan, reports and mid term evaluation report.
Observations made from randomly selected project activity and sites in the field.

Key Findings:
Participants of the terminal evaluation have identified findings that include good results to be taken as best practices to be replicated and scaled up, short comings/weakness to be taken as lessons for improvement and challenges to be considered by all stakeholders. Finally, as there is still a huge need of the marginalized communities to be addressed, the team concluded the possibility of extending or continuity of the project for another phase in the same intervention. Kebele Administrations giving special emphasis on strengthening the already started activities and focusing on community capacity building to secure the project sustainability through ensuring ownership.

1. The need of focusing on integrated watershed development approach as it is found to be the best strategy for climate change adaption and attaining food security.
2. The agricultural office to take over, take care and manage the constructed soil and water conservation structures without any delay and continue planting appropriate seedlings in the gullies.
3. The best practices, should be strengthened and scaled up in the same watersheds and other demanding areas by the project and concerned stakeholders.
4. Enhance community’s capacity ensuring sense of ownership for sustainability, through active participation and decision making in needs identification and overall project cycle management.
5. Organize those groups involved in income generating activities in credit and saving or users’ cooperatives and connect/align them with loan or credit facilitating institutions.
6. The need of strengthening joint monitoring and follow up of the project activities. The line offices as part of their main tasks in the watershed should also be owners of the project activities and follow up hand in hand with the project staff.

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