Observatorio Boliviano de los Recusos Naturales – External evaluation 2007-2009

Om publikasjonen

Utført av:Luis Vazquez Montesinos, Clave Consultores (Bolivia)
Bestilt av:Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond (SAIH): Norwegian Students and Academics International Assistance Fund (SAIH)
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:0

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The project was started in October 2007, with the objective of gathering civil society organizations in a coordinated forum, called "Observatory" (Observatorio), that can give input and be a dialog partner to governments and companies involved in the administration of the natural gas recourses in Bolivia. Through information work and capacity-building the project spread information and knowledge about the administration of natural gas and the Observatory is a representative watchdog for civil society as regards to transparency in the hydrocarbon sector.


The objectives of the evaluation according to the Terms of Reference were:

1. To analyze, evaluate and interpret the progress of the Observatory-project in relation to the national civil society: Grass roots organizations, related institutions, support organizations, etc. and submit recommendations and strategies for the sustainability of the project.

2. To present the project's achievements and recommendations in order to improve the relevance of the project for the target group.

3. To submit and evaluate how the project works with transversal themes as gender, environment and the rights of indigenous people; and present strategies for the future.


These objectives were specified in a number of variables (effectiveness, efficiency, impact, relevance and gender). A combination of methods was used to obtain the necessary information: Document Review (Applications and reports of the project to SAIH and NORAD, Annual Plans and material developed in the project), Individual interviews with key informants from CEADL, SAIH, social organizations and the target group, group interviews (target group) and monitoring/observation of activities and meetings.

Key findings:

- The mere existence of the project has permitted the emergence of a space for reflection, information and interpellation about the state management. Smooth relations and mutual support have been established between people and groups working with or interested in the topic. Moreover, expert groups have been formed and they have contributed to compile and spread information, taking part in the initiatives of the project.

- The information and training processes have positioned and created awareness about the hydrocarbon subject in the organizations and the knowledge gained constitute valuable tools that strengthen the organizations political actions. However, the level of development and consolidation of the organizations condition the use of these tools.

- The materials developed by the project in its pedagogical, didactic and conceptual dimensions, and their relation with the target group, reveals that the materials have a high quality level in terms of content. The careful manner in which they are elaborated stands out and turn them into reference material and trustable information sources, in academic areas and among organizations.

- During the implementation of the project, women's organizations have been defined as a target group. The project should have had a conceptual and methodologically defined proposal in order to work with women from the beginning, but neither a reflection nor a deep conceptualization of the subject has been done internally.

- The project has neither developed nor implemented a monitoring and evaluation system of these processes of social control. This prevents systematic information about these actions and their impacts.

- The financial and administrative management do not require any adjustments. It is, however, necessary to improve the transparency of the project to the beneficiaries.


- The project has reached a point of reflection on the quality of actions, and therefore, is seeking qualitative rather than quantitative impact.

- The information offered by the project is valued as positive and high quality information and all organizations have used the information in their work.

-More than a hundred social organizations from different regions are working in coordination with the project. These are mostly lead by young people and women.

- Alliances and networks are strengthened and play a role in policy work towards governments. The idea of social control and local, regional and national auditing of governments has been inserted in the target population.Recommendations:

Some of the most important recommendations are:

- At the internal project level it is suggested the need for a medium range strategic planning, with clear goals and a precise definition of annual results.

- Decentralization may be necessary due to the changes taking place in the country, and the possibility of having allied organizations in the regions should be explored. Staff from different regions should be hired in the project.

- The project needs a monitoring and assessment system for the organizations’ actions in order to visualize the impacts.

- An integral approach to understanding the hydrocarbon issue must be applied in depth, linking it to the subjects of indigenous people’s rights, environment, conflict sensitivity and gender.

- The project should have a communication strategy, which carefully defines the institutional lines and policies on information spread and education.

- The project’s leadership as to the hydrocarbon topic raises the necessity of making a platform to strengthen political impact at national government level.

- The recommendations for the funding body are made from the recognition that three years are not enough to consolidate a project. It would be advisable to consider the possibility of extending the support to the project. Furthermore, the Norwegian experience should be taken into account within the processes of exchange (information, experts and training).

Some of the results of the project the report points to are:The performance has exceeded the expectations. The project has been innovative, timely and it has addressed a sensitive subject related to the economy of the country.