Namchouam and Meung Rural Development Project, 2002-2004

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Utført av:Lao Consulting Group
Bestilt av:Norwegian Church Aid
Antall sider:0

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The Namchouam and Mung Rural Development Project evolved from the "Drug Supply and Demand Reduction in Border Areas of North-western Laos" Project funded by Norwegian MFA though the United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP). That latter project started in 1993 as a tripartite cooperation between UNDCP, the Lao Government and the Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and
operated in Bokeo and Luang Namtha.

For the second phase of the project, UNDCP decided to cease operations in Namchouam, Bokeo province, as opium cultivation in the area's target villages was reduced to nil. In Bokeo, the project would continue in Mung district only. The decision disagreed with NCA's policy of long-term commitment as it had been working only for a short period of time in the area. NCA therefore negotiated an agreement with the Lao government in order to continue development activities as a separate project: the Namchouam and Mung Rural Development Project. This evaluation deals with the third phase of the project.


The objectives of the evaluation study are (1) to verify the outputs of project activities; (2) to discuss and find out the future direction for activities in the communities; and (3) to share lessons learned from the evaluation study amongst partners and beneficiaries.

The evaluation study should focus on (1) achievement of project implementation; (2) project implementation process; (3) relevance of the project; (4) effectiveness of the project; (5) efficiency of the project; (6) impact of the project; (7) sustainability of the project; and (8) recommendations. (Annex
1 gives the complete evaluation study TOR).


• Interviews with provincial and district authorities, target groups and project staff (Annex 2
gives the list of people met);
• Reviews of reports and project documents (Annex 3 gives the list of documents consulted);
• Visual assessment during visits to target villages.

Key findings

1. In terms of achievement of project implementation, the project has improved living conditions of the poor in Namchouam area and Meung district.

2. By the end of 2004, the basic needs of the poor are better met as food security has improved; villagers have better access to health services, to education and to the market and family income has increased.

3. The project has generated numerous outputs:
• In the food security component:
• In the income generating component:
• In the health service component:
• In the education service component:
• In the village authorities component:
• In the project management and human resources development component:
• Inputs used by the project to produce the outputs are appropriate.

4. In terms of human resources, the project personnel includes 14 persons in 10 positions to support and facilitate project implementation, coordination and management. District officers and villagers have responsibility for implementation of project activities under the supervision of district coordination committees.
In terms of financial input for implementation of project activities, 50% of input is used for agricultural activities. Overall, project expenses totaled 698,080.64 USD of which 30% are costs of project hardware and 25% are personnel expenses.

5. Project implementation follows participatory approach and community development. Activities start with the participatory village planning, implementation of project activities and then participatory monitoring and evaluation. Implementation of activities are undertaken through interest groups that were formed and trained in group and revolving fund administration.
Revolving funds were established to ensure potential for sustainability.
The project maintains a good working relationship with project beneficiaries and government counterparts.

6. The project is relevant as it is desired as much by the target communities as the government of the Lao PDR as it aims to better the living conditions of the target population

7. For each purpose, the project is effective at: Food security improved (80%), Income generation increased (75%), Health service improved (71%), Education service improved (80%), Village authorities and organizations strengthened (50%), Project management and human resource development improved (60%). To the overall goal, the project is effective at 69.33%.

8. The project is relatively efficient as total expenses are equivalent to a cost per beneficiary of 41.71 USD/pers.per year.

9. The project has produced a lot of impact on the lives of target communities on the positive and negative sides but on the balance, the project has increased the quality of life of the target population.


- Go-implementation of project and district staff

- Further strengthening of village organizations/groups with close follow-up

- Increased input on market development

- Food processing, value added products

- Increased implication/participation of villagers in the CB-DAC process

- Set a definitive date for completion in Nam Chuam and announce it to target population of the area.

Comments from the organisation

Through discussions of the findings and recommendations of the evaluation held with the project team , NCA Vientiane and the donor to the project, KCF, the project team established an action plan with main emphasis on strengthen the Go-implementation between project and district staff and strengthening village organisations. Focus has also been given to the increased participation of the
villagers in the CB-DAC process. The third project phase will be completed by October 2006 and it is limited how much impact activities on market development can have in a remote area as Mung in such a short time span.