Final Evaluation report 2019-2021. Disabled People’s Organization of Bhutan

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Tittel:Final Evaluation report 2019-2021. Disabled People’s Organization of Bhutan
Utført av:Ugyen Samdrup
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Summary, Final Evaluation report 2019-2021. Disabled People’s Organization of Bhutan

The Organizational Development for Sustainability (ODS) is a Normisjon funded project implemented in Bhutan by Disabled Persons Association of Bhutan. The Normisjon granted initial five-year project titled ‘Organizational Development Project’ to the DPAB for the period 2014-2018. The project made significant impact in the areas of advocacy, empowerment and rehabilitation, networking, organizational capacity, and registration of PWDs. The Normisjon graciously extended the project by another 3 years i.e., 2019 - 2021 with project titled ‘Organizational Development for Sustainability: 3 Year Phase-out Period’. With the three years extension, the project expects to make DPAB a financially sustained institution with a competent staff that promotes physical, psychological and socio-economic well-being of persons with disabilities through inclusion and empowerment. Specifically, the project aimed to strengthen the sustainability of DPAB, empower PWDs and improve the attitude of community and the society towards disability. The objective was expected to be achieved through following outcomes:

  • OUTCOME 1 - Sustained DPAB as an institution
  • OUTCOME 2 - Empowered Persons with Disabilities
  • OUTCOME 3 - Improved attitude and values of the society towards Persons with Disabilities

Final evaluation of Organizational Development for Sustainability presented in this document, was conducted with the purpose to conduct an unbiased, in-depth evaluation of programme results and outcomes in comparison to planned results, while also taking into account efficiency and its contribution to tangible results and outcomes; to establish a learning process that will provide valuable information to the DPAB in order to improve the effectiveness of future strategies and programmes; and to assess the project's level of performance and progress towards specified development goals. The methodology used in this evaluation was discussed and agreed with the DPAB management on the terms of reference (ToR). Main findings and conclusions of the final evaluation presented in the report are:

  • Overall project design –The project's overall outcome, output, and activities have been determined to be consistent with and supportive of national and international aims and objectives. The initiative has been successful in achieving its objectives. The donor's timely funding release, the staff's core competencies, and the project's excellent teamwork and cooperation with stakeholders all contributed to the project's success despite the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The project implementation team, beneficiaries, and stakeholders have benefited from the project's learning. As a result, the society's attitude and values for PWDs have generally improved.
  • Project activities­ The project's activities had a significant impact on the country's PWD situation. The project's awareness-raising and advocacy activities contributed to increasing public awareness and influenced over the plight of PWD in Bhutan. The lobbying has resulted in the establishment of a national policy for individuals with disabilities, the creation of a disability-friendly environment, and the UN Bhutan's recognition of DPAB as the country's Disabled People’s Organization. Additionally, the project activities aided in the development of the organisation. The organisational capability is enhanced, the institutional identity is strengthened, and the public's attitude and values towards people with disabilities are improved. The project's empowerment and rehabilitation programme increased the livelihood and independence of those with disabilities in society. Skill development training enhanced individuals' abilities and increased career opportunities. PWDs were able to get medical care under the medical support programme. Additionally, the education support programme assisted PWDs in completing their formal education in Central Schools. Additionally, the project activities assisted DPAB in generating revenue and attracting funding from sponsors. The membership drive benefited DPAB by generating revenue, which is crucial for the organization's financial sustainability. DPAB now has a total membership of 2521. Additionally, DPAB obtained skill development projects from other institutions, including the Asian Development Bank, the United Nations in Bhutan, Austrian Development Agency, the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources, and Gross National Happiness Commission.
  • Project management and administrationThe project was deemed to have been implemented in a transparent and efficient manner. The initiative was implemented with the assistance of volunteers by a small and compact team of DPAB. Monitoring and evaluation were determined to have been carried out in accordance with the monitoring and evaluation plan outlined in the project document. The data flowchart was used to collect and preserve data by the project management team. The management has gathered data for the project's various indicators in order to validate the project's outcome and output. The programme aided in the learning of DPAB staff.
  • Empowerment assessmentOn the empowerment front, the project has had a considerable impact. The project has made great success in five major subject areas: 1. Strengthening civil society; 2. Sustaining the DPAB as an institution; 3. Empowering PWDs; 4. Improving the society's attitude and values towards PWDs, and 5. Gender equality.
  • Sustainability assessment - Sustainability was determined based on human resource and financial capacities. The report found that the initiative was successful in enhancing employees' capabilities and skills in a variety of critical areas for the organization's existence. The organisation currently has a well-trained workforce that is constantly prepared to carry out the mission of the organisation. Organizational sustainability, on the other hand, is debatable from a financial standpoint. DPAB was and continues to be a donor-supported organisation. DPAB will not be able to continue the project's programmes once the Normisjon's initiative ends. While the organisation may generate revenue through a membership fee donation drive, the revenue generated would be negligible in comparison to the organization's operational expenses. Thus, the sustainability of project initiatives is jeopardised until financing is provided or the government implements the programmes as part of the National Policy for Persons with Disabilities' policy implementation.

Main conclusions and recommendations – The Organizational Development for Sustainability project is deemed pertinent and successfully implemented. In light of the organization's financial viability, it is recommended that DPAB suspend its empowerment and rehabilitation programmes and focus on financially sustainable activities until more money is found. The building of a resource centre is identified as a promising future area of assistance for potential future donors since it would provide financial sustainability while also promoting the creation of disability-friendly structures in society.