Capacity Building of the Teacher Trainers for One Year Course

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2016
Utført av:Carrie Mitchell
Bestilt av:Digni / HimalPartner
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:69

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Over the last two decades awareness of the importance of early year education has increased in the country of Nepal. Private schools have added preschool education to their programs and since 1999 the Government of Nepal has had an ECD section within the Department of Education.

However, government implementation has not matched the promises of national plans and policies, and the quality of private institutions varies considerably with most using remote learning systems and very traditional teaching methods. ECEC was established in Kathmandu in 2001 with the vision that ‘all children in Nepal get developmentally appropriate education and care’.

Initially ECEC offered short courses and as these quickly became popular the demand for longer courses became obvious. With financial support from HimalPartner and technical support from NLA Norwegian University College and Kathmandu University, ECEC developed and established the one year academic course for preschool teachers in 2008. This was the first all-round professional preschool teacher training in Nepal.


The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of the project. The sustainability of the project is examined and cross-cutting issues of environment, gender sensitivity and conflict sensitivity are considered.  The evaluation also assesses what lessons have been learned throughout the implementation of the project and provides recommendations for its final year.


This evaluation was conducted between 26th October and 25th November 2016, using a participatory assessment method. The data was collected in the Kathmandu / Lalitpur area (in ECEC’s head office and Kathmandu outlet office, the ECEC conference, and various school visits).

The evaluation team consisted of representatives from ECEC as well as HimalPartner and the evaluation team leader who was hired as an external consultant independently responsible for the final report. Qualitative research methods were used for the evaluation, including a desk review of relevant documents; school visits and observations of class teaching, workshop facilitation, mentoring sessions and conference presentations; as well as stakeholder interviews and focus-group discussion.

Key findings

Capacity building is an ongoing and reiterative activity. It cannot be ‘achieved’ or ticked off a list, so while significant progress has been made, the overall goal of the project is still relevant.  

  • The combined results of much training, coaching, access to resources and participation in conferences keeps ECEC teacher trainers up to date in ECD trends. It helps to improve their teaching and mentoring skills and increases their confidence as academic experts in the ECD field. Exposure visits to observe DAP are especially valued as a source of inspiration and international networking opportunities have proved productive.  
  • The senior teacher trainer’s experience of doing a part-time distance MA in Early Childhood Education has been positive, particularly because of the practical exposure visits and the networking opportunities that fitted with this study. Along with the academic value of the degree and the opportunities for knowledge transfer to colleagues, this postgraduate study has proved a worthwhile investment.  
  • Networking with national and international stakeholders has been successful, positive relationships with many ECD stakeholders have been built and ECEC is now a well-known player in the national ECD field and beginning to be more recognised at international level also.  
  • ECEC has become known as a brand of quality in early childhood education. There is increasing demand for longer academic courses. Demands are also coming from employers who are looking for more graduates who have completed the ECEC one year course.  
  • Impact at beneficiary level is most visible when several enabling factors combine. Factors that encourage graduates to make meaningful change in early years settings include:
    - more than one person in the setting has taken the one year course
    - school management understand the playway method and are supportive
    - parents are convinced
    - ECEC is involved in more than just the training (e.g. involvement in parent seminars and advising)


  • Capacity building of TTs should continue to be a priority
  • Opportunities for TTs to attend international conferences should be continued as well as exposure visits to places doing well in their early years of practice when possible
  • The senior TT should finish the thesis section of his postgraduate study as soon as possible and he should be encouraged to continue in the practice of building up the capacity of the other TTs by sharing his learning
  • There is opportunity for learning to be put into writing and more publications to be made which would further ECEC’s reputation nationally and internationally
  • Progress made in relationship building with both SEED and TU should continue to be pursued.
  • The one year course should continue to be increased while maintaining the same level of quality.
  • With the help of NLA, plans to expand academically to bachelor level should continue to be pushed and funding applications pursued
  • Continue to work with schools and parents and at district level through partners as well as providing longer training courses