Review of Norad´s Assistance to Gender Mainstreaming in the Energy and Petroleum Sector 2010-2014

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Mars 2015
Utført av:Norconsult AS
Område:Etiopia, Liberia, Mosambik, Tanzania, Uganda, Nepal
Tema:Energi, Kvinner og likestilling
Antall sider:86

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A review of Norad’s assistance to gender mainstreaming in the energy and petroleum sector through the framework agreement with ENERGIA was conducted by Norconsult in 2014. The purpose of the Framework Agreement (2010 – 2014) was to provide Norad with high quality technical support for gender mainstreaming in Norwegian support to the energy- and petroleum sectors.

Key findings

Through the framework agreement Norad has supported a variety of mechanisms for gender mainstreaming and the review found that they have had different degrees of success. Norad has for example successfully raised the visibility of gender issues in the energy sector through analytical work in several countries. In Nepal, Norad used the framework agreement to provide gender inputs to programme appraisals and the experience shows that they are the most strategic and effective when they feed directly into sectoral plans and programme appraisals to inform funding decisions. In Nepal, Mozambique and Ethiopia, Norad has provided advise in the development of gender action plans with technical support from ENERGIA. These plans have a practical approach and focus on operational measures. The report concludes that effective implementation of the action plans will require continued investments in capacity building, leadership and support to enable effective implementation of plans in the respective national energy institutions. The review also found that the demonstration projects developed and implemented through the framework agreement have had mixed results.


Norconsult concludes that objectives of the framework agreement have been achieved in so far as that through the agreement, ENERGIA was able to provide Norad with relevant and effective expertise on integrating gender equality in the clean energy and petroleum sectors. Capacity building on gender mainstreaming takes time. Finally, the report recommends strengthening the integration of gender equality and human rights in the petroleum sector, specifically. In many countries, this emerging sector represents both risks and opportunities to the affected population groups, with different impacts on women and men.