Impact Assessment of Rural Electrification
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Utgitt: | Mai 2014 |
Type: | Norad-innsamlede rapporter |
Utført av: | Ralph Kårhamar, Ingar Flatlandsmo, Louis Pauchon and Ryan Anderson |
Område: | Mosambik |
Tema: | Energi |
Antall sider: | 172 |
Serienummer: | 4/2014 |
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Norway has for many years supported Mozambique’s efforts to increase the level of access to electricity in rural areas. The primary justifications for these interventions has been to; a) create substantial net socio-economic benefits, including direct poverty reduction, b) stimulate business activity and job creation, and c) provide sustainable and valuable assets to the utility.
The following three electrification projects in Mozambique (the Projects), financed or co-financed by the Government of Norway (GoN) were completed between 2005 and 2008:
- Assistance to the Gurué-Cuamba-Lichinga Transmission Line Project” (MOZ 0012)
- “Namacurra Electrification Project” (MOZ 2016) (distribution)
- “Namacurra Electrification Project - Extension to Pebane” (MOZ 2016) (distribution)
Because it is expected that mid- to long-term effects of electrification have started to materialize, Norplan AS was contracted by the Norwegian Directorate for Development Cooperation (Norad) in May of 2013 to conduct a study of the impacts of the Projects. The study has aimed to (i) evaluate the impact on development of business activities and income generation; (ii) evaluate the financial and operational impacts on the energy utility (EdM) and (iii) review to what extent the projects have achieved the planned results, thus provide insight into the direct effect projects for rural electrification have on the living conditions as well as lessons learned with regard to prioritization and design of rural electrification projects.