Norad’s Strategy towards 2015: Results in the Fight against Poverty

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juni 2011
Antall sider:18

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This strategy replaces Norad’s Strategy towards 2010. Development cooperation is undergoing changes. Most noticeable is the increased importance of contributions to concerted international efforts to protect global common goods. Although much has changed, some things remain constant. In the previous strategy period, considerable priority was given to efforts focused on the quality and results of development assistance. This work will continue unabated in the years up to 2015. Development assistance to alleviate poverty and promote societal change is far too important for us to devote resources to measures that do not produce good results. We shall therefore continue to do our part in maintaining the high quality of Norwegian development assistance.

Norad must draw lessons as to what does and doesn’t work. If it works, we must do more of it. If it doesn’t work, it should be modified or, if appropriate, phased out.

This strategy is primarily intended for those of us who work at Norad. It tells us how and in which areas we must concentrate our efforts. Norad has a pivotal place in Norwegian development assistance. We must use this position as a basis for providing sound expert advice, efficient management and independent evaluations.

The division of responsibilities and tasks between the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norad is undergoing review in the spring of 2011. Norad’s future tasks must be seen in the light of this review.