Evaluation of Transparency International

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Mars 2011
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:Channel Research
Bestilt av:Norad
Antall sider:116

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This report has been commissioned by the Evaluation Department of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). The evaluation was managed by Channel Research, and was carried out by the following team:

Emery Brusset (Team Leader) John Bray (Senior Expert, with a focus on the private sector) Marina Buch Kristensen (Senior Expert, with a focus on civil society) Anne-Lise Klausen (Quality Assurance Expert and Consultation Facilitator) Jups Kluyskens (Senior Expert, with a focus on the public sector) Radwan Siddiq (Institutional Development Expert)

The team would like to thank the independent consultative group and senior management of Transparency International, who provided early oral feedback to the emerging findings, as well as Mr Eirik G. Jansen from the Evaluation Department, who gave us useful guidance regarding evaluation methods. Particular gratitude is owed to those who took their time to meet us in interviews and to share their documents, at the fifteen chapters we visited and at the Transparency International Secretariat in Berlin.

This report is the product of its authors, and responsibility for the accuracy of data included therein rests with the authors and Channel Research. The findings, interpretations and conclusions presented in the report do not necessarily reflect the views of Norad’s Evaluation Department.