Promoting Imports from Developing Countries Commercial Profile or Development Assistance

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Februar 1988
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:Research Associate, Fund for Market and Distribution Research
Bestilt av:Norwegian Ministry for Development Cooperation
Antall sider:48

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During the period April - October 1987, the Fund for Market and Distribution Research (FMD) carried out an evaluation of measures to promote imports from developing countries into Norway, with main emphasis on the activities of NORIMPOD (Norwegian Import Promotion Office for Products from Developing Countries). A 250-page draft report was presented in September 1987. It included an examination of the political background tor NORIMPOD and the specific activities of the office. This paper highlights some of the main parts of the draft report. Taking into consideration that similar studies and discussions are taking place in other (non-Scandinavian) countries, this English version has been prepared in order to give officials and other interested parties in those countries access to the most relevant findings of the FMD report.