Norwegian Assistance to Countries in Conflict - The lesson of Experience from Guatemala, Mali, Mozambique, Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 1998
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:Christian Michelsens Institute (CMI) in cooperation with the International Peace Research Institute (PRIO)
Bestilt av:Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Område:Burundi, Mali, Mosambik, Rwanda, Sudan, Guatemala
Antall sider:176

NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir

The study explores lessons learned from Norwegian assisstance to six countries within the broad field that encompasses conflict prevention, conflict resolution and other peace building efforts. The countries selected are: Guatemala, Mali, Sudan, Mozambique, Rwanda and Burundi.