Support Models for CSOs at Country Level - Synthesis Report

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Februar 2008
Utført av:Scanteam (team leaders Arne Disch and Liv Moberg)
Bestilt av:Norad, on behalf of Nordic+ Donor Agencies
Område:Etiopia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Guatemala, Bangladesh
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:84

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Norad, on behalf of Nordic+ donors Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the UK, contracted Scanteam to review the experiences in six countries of different models for donor support to civil society. The study shall contribute to the development of a strategic policy framework for Nordic+ support to a vibrant, pluralistic and democratic civil society. It is to (i) review possibilities for improving direct support to NGOs/CSOs through country level support models; (ii) shed light on constraints and possibilities of different types of support models, and (iii) increase outreach to a wider range of civil society organisations and reduce transaction costs.