Study of the impact of the work of FORUT in Sri Lanka : building civil society

Om publikasjonen

Type:Evalueringsstudier, Evalueringer
Utført av:Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research; Bergljot Baklien, Marit Haug, Chamindra Weerackody
Område:Sri Lanka
Tema:Sivilt samfunn
Antall sider:68

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This report examines the impact of the work of FORUT in Sri Lanka in relation to some of the objectives in the Norwegian guidelines for strengthening civil society.

FORUT's interventions in Sri Lanka have been studied in two different, but equally challenging contexts, namely in the war affected Vavuniya district in the North, and in the politically turbulent Hambantota district in the South. War and political interference have limited the operational space of civil society organisations in both contexts. Nevertheless, the situation is rapidly changing in both areas, thus offering new opportunities for civil society organisations.