Review of the Embassy’s Development Assistance Portfolio: Environment and Climate Change (Mozambique)

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:November 2008
Utført av:Hans Olav Ibrekk, Jan Eriksen
Bestilt av:The Royal Norwegian Embassy, Maputo
Tema:Klima og miljø
Antall sider:47

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The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Maputo (the Embassy) has requested the assistance from Norad to undertake a Review of the Embassy's portfolio to identify possible ways and means of addressing/integrating appropriate climate change and environmental concerns in existing bilateral programs and projects supported by Norway. The Review was commissioned in response to the increased priority given to environment and climate change in Norwegian development cooperation policy. This Review is intended to contribute to "climate proofing" and a "greening" of the Embassy's portfolio.

The rationale for Norwegian development cooperation with Mozambique is to increase the welfare for the poorest segments of the population, consolidate the peace and support a democratic development. This will be done through supporting the fight against poverty and by promoting human rights and good governance. The Embassy has made preparations for an increased support within the prioritized areas which are good governance and budget
support; management of natural resources with an emphasis on improving the revenue policy and the revenue administration from these resources; fishery; petroleum, hydropower and other energy-related areas; climate and environment; and strengthening of women's rights.

In addition to undertaking the Review the Review Team, through an internal seminar, provided the Embassy updated information on the implementation of the Norwegian Action Plan for Environment in Development Cooperation, as well as provided updated information on how to undertake "climate proofing" of development cooperation activities.

The Review has been undertaken through desk studies, discussions with representatives of the Embassy and from implementing institutions in Mozambique in the period 27 August - 3 September 2008 and discussions with Norad staff members who are actively supporting the Embassy. A draft report was submitted to the Embassy upon the Team's departure from
Maputo (dated 3. September 2008). The Embassy's comments to the draft report dated 9. September 2008 have been incorporated and addressed in the Final Report.

The Review Team appreciates the fruitful and open discussions with institutions in Mozambique. The Embassy participated actively in the discussions the Team had with partners in Mozambique and the Embassy's insights in the situation in Mozambique were of key importance
to the work of the Team.

The Review Team has provided its' independent recommendations and this does not indicate any commitment on behalf of the Embassy to provide additional funding.

The Review Team comprised of Hans Olav Ibrekk and Jan Eriksen.

3. November 2008