Performance Organisational Review of the Norwegian Missionary Council Office for Development Cooperation
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Om publikasjonen
Utgitt: | Desember 2008 |
Type: | Norad-rapport |
Utført av: | COWI |
Bestilt av: | Norad |
Tema: | Sivilt samfunn |
Antall sider: | 88 |
Serienummer: | 27/2008 |
ISBN: | 978-82-7548-411-4 |
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir
This report presents the findings of a performance organisational review of Bistandsnemda, The Norwegian Missions in Development (BN) which was carried out between September 2007 and January 2008.
The objective of the performance review is to review the tools and resources available to BN and examine whether these allow BN to achieve its own objectives, be relevant to local partners and target groups, and be able to secure good results and cost efficient use of funds in line with Norwegian political priorities.
The review has been carried out through desk studies of documentation, interviews with staff in BN, Oslo and with representatives from a selected number of member organisations in Stavanger and Oslo, and a field visit to China. A second field visit had to be cancelled due to political unrest in Kenya.
The team consisted of Susanne Vedsted (team leader) and Kristin Skov-Spilling from COWI, and Senior Advisor Marit Bergrav, Norad. During the field visit in China, the team was assisted by consultant Ms. Wang Wanying.
The consultants from COWI bear the responsibility for the contents of this draft report and eventual corrections will be made after the workshop with BN and its member organisation in Oslo, scheduled to take place in March 2008. The review team would like to thank all involved staff and stakeholders in and around BN for their kind cooperation and assistance in this process.