Organisational review of ARC-AID
Om publikasjonen
Utgitt: | Juni 2008 |
Type: | Norad-rapport |
Utført av: | Norplan |
Bestilt av: | Norad |
Tema: | Sivilt samfunn |
Antall sider: | 104 |
Serienummer: | 17/2008 |
ISBN: | 978-82-7548-307-0 |
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir
Conclusion on ARC-aid's organizational capacity
ARC-aid has a strong identity and ability in terms of maintaining an identity reflecting agreed purposes and values. ARC aid has a strong leadership able to direct and manage the organisation, sometimes without considering objections made by the Board of Directors. ARC-aid should formalise its overall strategies and plans. This will support ARC-aid in reaching out for new partners and enable better monitoring and evaluation of
organisational performance.
ARC-aid has the ability to organise its resources, but does not have established effective managerial systems and procedures. Human and financial resources are available, but the lack of proper administrative and financial management systems, entails that the utilisation of resources is not done in an optimal way. Accounting and financial management needs to
be done in a more transparent way to foster partnership accountability.
ARC-aid has the ability to provide services that seems relevant for and valued by its users and/or members. Here is however, a general lack of needs assessments and feasibility studies supporting ARC-aid projects. Project information is not compiled and the concept of project document corresponding to Norad concept documents, does not exists. The Consultant emphasises the need for such documents to support internal project planning and management as well for outsiders evaluating projects supported by taxpayers' money.
ARC-aid has the ability to respond on new ideas in terms of finding new project opportunities. However, ARC-aid still needs to establish procedures and ways of addressing needs in an objective, qualitative and quantitative way. The Consultant emphasises the need for such documents to support internal project planning and management as well for outsiders evaluating projects supported by taxpayers' money.
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