Mid Term Review of TIM 2010 : Assistance in developing the management of the petroleum sector in Timor-Leste
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Om publikasjonen
Utgitt: | Juli 2007 |
Type: | Norad-innsamlede rapporter |
Utført av: | The Bridge Group |
Bestilt av: | Royal Norwegian Embassy, Jakarta |
Område: | Øst-Timor |
Tema: | Energi |
Antall sider: | 91 |
Serienummer: | 17/2007 |
ISBN: | 978-82-7548-235-6 |
Prosjektnummer: | TIM-2010 |
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir
Norway has since 2002 assisted Timor-Leste in the establishment of a well functioning petroleum administration through the cooperation project called "Assistance in developing the management of the Petroleum sector in Timor-Leste" between the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Minerals and Energy Policy.
The main goal of the project has been that Timor-Leste will be capable of managing the petroleum activity in an independent, transparent and sustainable manner.
Since 2005 the cooperation has included direct support to the Ministry of Planning and Finance and the Banking and Payments Authority in the management of the state revenue from the petroleum sector. Norway has also financed advisors to the director of the Timor Sea Directorate Authority. The total amount of the support to the petroleum sector in Timor-Leste has been about NOK 56 million in the period 2002-2007.
Interesting Findings
• The report underlines that the project has achieved significant and tangible results. The establishment of the petroleum fund and signing the first PSCs (Production Sharing Contract) in the Timor-Leste sovereign offshore area was pointed out as particularly important.
• The contributions from the advisers have been instrumental to the establishment of the petroleum fund and its operations.
• However the very active participation of the project advisors in the licensing process underlines the need for a discussion about the role of the advisers. Capacity building is a primary objective of the adviser's scope and they should in principal work through a defined counterpart and never enter in line function in the local organisation.
• The report emphasises that the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate played an important role in the first phase of the project, but recommends that for the next phase alternative models for implementing Norwegian petroleum assistance should be considered.
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