ILO Combating Forced Labour and Trafficking of Indonesian Migrant Workers

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juli 2008
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av:Donna Leigh Holden
Bestilt av:Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia
Antall sider:68

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The project is a key step of the partnership between ILO and the government of Indonesia to improve the protection of migrant workers. The project aims to reach migrant workers both in Indonesia and within destination countries, and seeks to contribute to the development of a more effective migrant workers' placement system. Project components include raising public awareness, providing outreach, livelihoods and reintegration services, and building capacity in government officials. The budget for the project is USD 1.4 million and the project period is from 2006 to 2008.

Interesting Findings

  • The project design and implementation priorities are strongly aligned with the current context and support required by the government
  • Despite early delays in project inception and a funding shortfall, the project has effectively delivered upon all key activities; management mechanisms are in place, a competent team has been recruited and strategic partnerships have been formed
  • Technical support contribute significantly to the strengthening of capacities for improved labour migration management and service delivery
  • The project has responded to requests from civil society agencies to pilot alternative livelihoods programmes for migrant worker communities
  • While the project has made a sound contribution to supporting efforts at labour migration reform, there is a clearly identified need for ongoing and indeed a broadened scope of support to this area in the future.