Capacity Building for CDM in Tanzania, Uganda and Angola : Synthesis report

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juni 2009
Utført av:Econ Pöyry
Bestilt av:Norad
Område:Angola, Tanzania, Uganda
Tema:Klima og miljø, Næringsutvikling
Antall sider:16

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Norad provides assistance to developing countries in the cleaner development mechanism (CDM) field as part of its bilateral development cooperation. Funds for private sector development earmarked for climate related cooperation can be used for support to development of specific projects, as well as capacity building and institutional cooperation.

The distribution of CDM projects among Kyoto Protocol non-Annex B countries is highly uneven. Some countries, especially the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are all but non-existing in CDM pipeline statistics. There are several reasons for these countries’ lacking ability to benefit from the possibilities to promote investments and sustainable development. It is assumed that lack of capacity in the institutional framework and the CDM enabling framework are important factors, along with the general investment climate and risks.

Norad thus wishes to target its assistance towards strengthening these countries’ capacity within CDM to enable them to participate in the carbon market and reap the benefits from the mechanism.

Based on a pre-mapping and contact with the embassies in a number of countries, Norad has selected Tanzania, Uganda and Angola as focus countries for this effort. The primary objective of this project was therefore to map existing CDM capabilities in these three countries, identify areas where gaps in knowledge exist and provide a list of potential capacity building initiatives that could assist in closing these gaps.

The outputs from this project should be a clear path forward for targeting needed assistance that will result in tangible results: a functioning CDM infrastructure and projects that are eligible under the CDM.

This synthesis report provides a summary of the three individual reports prepared by Econ Pöyry for Norad, entitled “Capacity Building for CDM in Tanzania”, “Capacity Building for CDM in Uganda” and “Capacity Building for CDM in Angola”.