Assessing World Bank Support for Trade 1987-2004 : An IEG Evaluation

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Mars 2006
Type:Fellesevalueringer, Evalueringer
Utført av:World Bank Independent Evaluation Group
Antall sider:270

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Norad's Evaluation Department has cofinanced the evaluation, under a partnership agreement with the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group.

This report analyzes the Bank's contribution to freer trade in developing countries and makes concrete recommendations on how to boost trade opportunities to better alleviate poverty in the future.

Between 1987 and 2004, 8.1 percent of total Bank commitments (US$ 38 billion) went to 117 countries to help them become better integrated into the global economy.

The study finds the World Bank support for trade helped open markets, but was not as effective in boosting exports and growth, and alleviating poverty as anticipated.

The evaluation recommends that the World Bank give greater attention to addressing poverty and distributional outcomes, and cushioning shocks associated with trade policies.