Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Technical Assistance Personell financed by the Nordic Countries

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Mars 1988
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:Kim Forss, John Carlsen, Egil Froyland, Taimi Sitari and Knud Vilby
Antall sider:178

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The objectives of this evaluation were:

 - To evaluate the extent to which the aim of providing technical assistance personnel has been achieved, and to assess other effects, positive and negative.

 - To assess the relevance of the Nordic countries technical assistance personnel in relation to the needs expressed by the host countries.

- To identify the main factors determining success or failure in achieving the aim of providing technical assistance personnel.

- To compare the effectiveness of different categories of technical assistance personnel in achieving the aims, and to consider alternatives.

- To make recommendations regarding factors to be noted and steps to be taken by the Nordic agencies in order to better fulfill the aim of providing technical assistance personnel.