Norad's perspective [on] poverty and urbanisation : challenges and opportunities
Om publikasjonen
- Utgitt: 2002
- Serie: Synteserapporter
- Type: Norad-rapport
- Utført av: --
- Bestilt av: --
- Land:
- Tema: Migrasjon (inkludert urbanisering)
- Antall sider: 13
- Serienummer: 18/2002
- ISBN: --
- ISSN: --
There is a close connection between urbanisation and poverty. The characteristics of urban poverty are different from those of rural poverty.
Urbanisation is growing rapidly in developing countries. The level of internal growth in urban areas is higher than the level of migration from rural areas. Rural populations move to urban areas, despite development and initiatives to benefit rural areas.
Increasing urbanisation in developing countries has a negative impact, but also present new opportunities for economic and political development and for poverty alleviation.
There is a close connection between economic development in urban areas and economic growth in rural areas. Positive trends in urban and rural areas can be mutually reinforcing.
NORAD's increased focus on the challenges of urbanisation is based on the international effort to combat poverty and will also include a rights-based approach to urbanisation.
NORAD's technical and operative work will be based on the international framework for the urbanisation agenda.
NORAD will strengthen the urbanisation perspective in strategic processes, i.e. in the development of national poverty reduction strategies and sector initiatives in central areas, and through support for specific activities.
Emphasis will be given to cooperation with other donors and Norwegian research communities to enhance our knowledge of the role of urban areas in the development process.