The Norwegian Climate and Forest funding to civil society

Civil society is seen as important agent of change and central actor in furthering and applying REDD+. 

The projects:

See the projects from the 2013- 2015 periode on a digital world map to access more information.

From 2013 to 2015 Norad supported 42 civil society organizations to support  REDD+ within four important thematic areas.

Måling av skog
Civil society organizations are widely recognized as agents of change, and for generating analysis, knowledge development and practical experiences. Norad and NICFI support 42 organizations that will continue to be significant in driving the REDD + agenda forward in the funding period 2013-2015.
Photo: Knut Nyfløt

About the Funding scheme

The Norwegian Climate and Forest funding to civil society is an integrated and strategic component of the Norwegian Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI).The overall purpose of the funding scheme is to contribute to the main objectives of NICFI : 

  • To work towards the inclusion of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in a new international climate regime 
  • To take early action to achieve cost-effective and verifiable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions 
  • To promote the conservation of natural forests to maintain their carbon storage capacity 



REDD stands for “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries”.

REDD+ goes beyond deforestation and forest degradation, and includes the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.

Promoting sustainable development and poverty reduction is an overarching goal of Norwegian foreign development policy, and thus valid also for this effort; the climate policy and the foreign development policy are to be mutually supportive. 

Target group for the funding scheme are civil society actors working for increased knowledge and innovative solutions within the field of reduced deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. The target groups for the initiative are vulnerable social groups, indigenous communities, local societies and civil society in developing countries living in and of the forest. 

New portfolio 2013-2015

Sustainable REDD+ outcomes require continued engagement in core social and environmental areas such as rights and governance, MRV, biodiversity conservation and application of safeguards. Knowledge, experiences and consensus on REDD+ still need to be built at the national and international levels. At the same time, the Norwegian Climate and Forest Initiative together with Norad recognize that deforestation and forest degradation stem from drivers also outside the forest sector, that there is a need to address these particular drivers, and to support activities that combine this effort with integration of social and environmental sustainability.

It is necessary to increase the understanding of low-emission alternatives which integrate climate-smart agriculture, forestry and energy initiatives, and to promote the greening of supply chains of relevant commodities.

Therefore, the 2013-2015 civil society portfolio is focusing on four main thematic areas (see below).

42 projects supported

Civil society organizations are important actors in furthering and applying REDD+ - locally, nationally and globally. They are widely recognized as agents of change, and for generating analysis, knowledge development and practical experiences. Therefore, Norad and NICFI announced a second funding period for civil society organizations that will continue to be significant in driving the REDD + agenda forward in the funding period 2013-2015.

Out of almost 700 proposed concepts, 42 projects were selected for the new funding period. The new portfolio is organized around four significant thematic areas. These areas reflect both a continuation and development of important work being done on REDD+ and a recognition of the developments in the thinking and direction of REDD+ globally and nationally.

Organized around four significant thematic areas

  1. Sustainable Landscapes 
    Promoting integrated sustainable land use planning by focusing on sectors and dynamics that may not be directly connected to forest but that nevertheless represent important drivers of deforestation. This includes exploring approaches to agricultural and energy production that reduces deforestation and forest degradation while also contributing to improved livelihoods, employment, food security, energy access and efficiency.
  2. REDD+ relevant commodity supply chain s
    Supporting initiatives that engage multiple stakeholders –with civil society organizations in key roles – in developing and promoting supply chains of relevant commodities that can meet market and consumer demand without contributing to deforestation practices. 
  3. Analysis, concept and methodology development that contribute to planning and implementation of REDD+
    Supporting efforts addressing core issues that affect the sustainable planning and implementation of REDD+ policies/frameworks, and promote the understanding of these issues nationally and internationally. This includes issues such as participation and rights of indigenous peoples and forest dependent communities, land tenure, gender considerations, governance, transparency, the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of REDD+ activities and results, and biodiversity conservation. 
  4. Creating global consensus on REDD+
    Promoting international consensus around REDD+ as a core tool in the global effort to prevent dangerous levels of climate change. Further information on the thematic areas can be found in the Guide to the thematic areas developed prior to the call for concept notes in 2012.
Published 21.10.2013
Last updated 16.02.2015