Evaluation Annual report 2017/18: Requirements for useful evaluations
Om publikasjonen
- Utgitt: juni 2018
- Serie: Evalueringsrapporter
- Type: Evalueringer
- Utført av: The Evaluation Department
- Bestilt av: --
- Land: --
- Tema: --
- Antall sider: 52
- Serienummer: --
- ISBN: --
- ISSN: --
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir
The annual report from the Evaluation Department highlights main lessons from the evaluations and studies conducted the last twelve months, from May 2017 to May 2018. During this period, we have presented six thematic evaluation reports, nine country evaluation briefs on Norway’s partner countries, a synthesis report on the Climate and Forest Initiative and a study of bilateral tax agreements.
As well as giving short summaries of all reports, we present a general reflection based on the evaluation work conducted throughout the year. This year we are focusing on requirements for useful evaluations, and reflect upon the following three aspects:
- Understanding the characteristics of effective evaluations
- Understanding the context in which the evaluations are conducted
- Opportunities related to future evaluations
Publisert 05.06.2018
Sist oppdatert 05.06.2018