Results Management in Norwegian Development Cooperation : A practical guide
Om publikasjonen
- Utgitt: desember 2008
- Serie: --
- Type: [Missing text '/property/enum/publicationtype/10' for 'Norwegian']
- Utført av: --
- Bestilt av: --
- Land: --
- Tema: --
- Antall sider: 36
- Serienummer: --
- ISBN: 978-82-7548-351-3
- ISSN: --
Findings from Management Reviews of Norwegian development co-operation reveal a need and a demand for a practical introduction to the main concepts, principles and especially tools of results management. This short guide is an attempt to respond to that demand, the purpose being to increase staff's knowledge of the main principles of results and risk management and what it means in practical terms throughout the various stages of programme management.
The principal users of this Practical Guide are embassy staff with responsibility for development cooperation as well as staff in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Norad. It may also be useful for a wider range of development partners, such as NGOs and institutions in partner countries.