Norad in brief 2006
Om publikasjonen
- Utgitt: januar 2007
- Serie: --
- Type: Årsrapport
- Utført av: --
- Bestilt av: --
- Land: --
- Tema: --
- Antall sider: 63
- Serienummer: --
- ISBN: 82-7548-179-1
- ISSN: --
- The Norad organization
- What is Norad?
- Poverty, development cooperation and results
- Advisory services
-- Advice on effective development cooperation
-- Peace-building and conflict-sensitive assistance
-- Budgetary support and public finance administration
-- Energy and infrastructure
-- Environment
-- Women and gender equality
-- Education and research
-- Health, HIV and AIDS
-- Business development
-- Corruption
- Assisting partners in civil society, business and research
-- Support to civil society
-- Support to business
-- Support to higher education and research
-- Support to international organizations
-- Other support mechanisms
- Quality assurance and evaluation
- Administrative reviews, administrative tools
- Evaluation
- Statistics
- Norway's partner countries