Oslo Tropical Forest Forum: see previous events here

As the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum 2020 in-person conference was postponed until June 2022, a series of virtual events have been hosted on topics of interest to the OTFF community. Revisit the events below.

30 June 2021: How can demand-side measures enhance inclusive governance of deforestation-free supply chains?

In partnership with Amsterdam Declarations Partnership and Trase, the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum hosted an open interactive multi-stakeholder dialogue to discuss the opportunities and challenges of deforestation-free demand-side measures to foster inclusive approaches for supply chain governance. The dialogue included expert presentations on the state of play of demand side measures as well as critical perspectives from diverse stakeholders.

Background paper

Four briefing notes with expert overviews of different contexts on demand-side measures to foster deforestation-free, sustainable commodity supply chains, har been prepared ahead of the webinar 29 June 2021. The notes will presented in the first Plenary of the dialogue. 

April 2021: Free satellite images to monitor tropical deforestation


The April 2021 event presented a new tool that allows anyone, anywhere, to monitor tropical deforestation. The programme was developed in collaboration with NICFI partner Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT), Planet and Airbus. Revisit the webinar in the player. 

Access the NICFI imagery program

This tool provides universal access to high-resolution satellite images of all the tropical forests around the world, updated monthly, for free. Users can access image archives that include data dating back to 2015 allowing them to see developments that have taken place in forests over several years.

March 2021

The OTFF hosted a webinar focusing on indigenous peoples’ solutions as part of a New Deal for Nature Based Solutions in collaboration with Rainforest Foundation Norway. The plenary session discussed “Strengthening international support for indigenous solutions” (in English) whilst the three parallel sessions covered 1) Indigenous autonomous governance as climate solutions in Peru (in Spanish), 2) Indigenous peoples to strengthen the DRC’s climate and development ambitions (in French) and 3) Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples when building back greener and better from COVID-19 (in Portuguese). 

Screenshot from OTFF
Plenary session
Plenary session: Strengthening international support for indigenous solutions (in English)
Screenshot from OTFF
Parallel session 1
Parallel session: Indigenous autonomous governance as climate solutions (Spanish)
Screenshot from OTFF
Parallel session 2
Parallel session 2: Indigenous peoples to strengthen the DRC’s climate and development ambitions (French)
Screenshot from OTFF
Parallel session 3
Parallel session 3: IPs and COVID-19: Opportunities for IPs when building back green and better (Portuguese)


December 2020

The second webinar in December 2020 covered REDD+ Finance. A presentation on how Ethiopia and Indonesia are using REDD+ finance to leverage changes in policies, institutions, and actions on the ground to improve forest management and with focus on benefit-sharing arrangements kicked-off the webinar. A session with the theme “The Changing Global Landscape of REDD+ Finance” followed with focus on the growing interest of private corporations to invest in so-called “natural climate solutions”, and the new policies, institutions, and norms being developed to ensure that this interest is responsibly mobilized as a new source of REDD+ finance.

Revisit the sessions below.


June 2020

The first webinar in June 2020 highlighted the Global Forest Watch/University of Maryland numbers for tropical tree cover loss for 2019 and was opened by the Norwegian Minister for Climate and Environment, Sveinung Rotevatn. The presentation from GFW was followed by respondents from tropical forest countries and international organizations. Participants were invited to pose questions via the OTFF platform a week in advance, and the GFW team responded to questions live during the webinar, and via the OTFF platform in subsequent weeks.


Previous OTFF Conferences