Research for agricultural development and food and nutrition security

Research and institutional capacity to do relevant research is the basis for the transformation of African agriculture.
Mar. 9 2016

12:00 - 14:30

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Auditorium 4th floor

Ruseløkkveien 26, 0251 Oslo

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Norway has, and continues to support research and the strengthening of African research institutions directly or in partnership with Norwegian institutions.

The relationship has changed over the years and new partners, such as Yara and NGOs have entered into a more applied research partnership that might have more to offer to the smallholders.


13:00 Opening

  • Introduction and welcome by Helga Fogstad, Director, Department for Health, Education and Research, Norad

13:10 Presentations 

  • African Agricultural Research and Capacity Development – key challenges for Africa by Emmanuel Tambi, Forum for Agricultural research in Africa (FARA)
  • 50 years of University collaboration – making an impact on food and agriculture by Ruth Haug, NMBU

  • Social and technological innovation for food security by Udaya Sekhar Nagothu and Trond Rafoss, Norwegian Institute for Bioeceonomy Research (Nibio)

  • Transforming agri-food systems: What does NMBU’s research have to offer? By Poul Wisborg, NMBUAddressing climate smart agriculture and food security through research by Jan Mulder, NMBU and Gerard Cornelissen, Norwegian geotechnical Institute (NGI)

  • Private-Public Partnership and agricultural research and innovation by Joachim Lammel, Yara 

15:15 Summing up  

  • Reflections and closing by representatives from MFA, FARA and Norad