
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1288 treff
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Evaluation of the interaction between Norwegian humanitarian aid, development cooperation and peace efforts

11 DI (Development Initiatives) (2020). Development actors at the nexus: Lessons from crises in Bangladesh, Cameroon, and Somalia. 12 DI, 2020; OECD, 2017. 4. International actors operating in a given ... 11 DI (Development Initiatives) (2020). Development actors at the nexus: Lessons from crises in Bangladesh, Cameroon, and Somalia. 12 DI, 2020; OECD, 2017. 4. International actors operating in a given


Bistand – frå altruistisk gåve til global investering

Bistand: Fra veldedighet til investering – Er det på tide for Bistand 2.0? 🌍💡 Vi står overfor globale utfordringer som krever et nytt perspektiv på bistand. Hva om vi sluttet å se på bistand som bare pengegaver og begynte å betrakte det som investeringer i vår felles fremtid? – Klimaendringer, pandemier, ulikhet og tapet av naturmangfold – dette er utfordringer


End Review of The Norway-India Partnership Initiative (NIPI), Phase III

This report presents the findings of the end review of Phase III of the Norway-India Partnership Initiative (NIPI). NIPI has been implemented in India since 2006, with the aim of supporting improved maternal, ... disseminating good practices. 23 IPE Global has country offices in UK, Ethiopia, Kenya, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal and Philippines. End-term review of NIPI III /Norad/Global hera / Final report:


What do we know about the long-term outcomes of food systems interventions?

Zambia increased income in the long-term. On the other hand, two programs supporting fishponds in Bangladesh had no effect on income. Sustainable certification programs in Uganda and Colombia were found ... countries for long-term evaluations to take place in (n = 11 each, 14%). This is followed by China and Bangladesh (n = 6, 8%, each). No study took place in multiple countries. Although there are some differences