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Invitation to Impact Evaluation Incubator 2024

Invitation to Impact Evaluation Incubator 2024 Invitation to Impact Evaluation Incubator 2024 Download The Incubator registration form We are pleased to invite aid organisations to sign up for participation ... participation in a 3-day impact evaluation incubator on 2–4 December 2024. Read more Norad wants to increase the use of impact evaluations in Norwegian development cooperation. We are pleased to invite


Enhancing conflict sensitivity within the Norwegian Aid Administration

This note has been written by Javier Fabra-Mata, PhD, senior advisor at the Department for Evaluation in Norad, with input from Anita Ernstorfer, Owner and Principal, Untangle. The findings, interpretations ... Department for Evaluation. Suggested citation: Fabra-Mata, J. (2024). Enhancing conflict sensitivity within Norwegian Aid Administration. A Reflection Note. Department for Evaluation, Norad. ISBN:


1.2024_Evaluation of Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative Support to Civil Society.pdf

lu at io n Evaluation of Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative Support to Civil Society REPORT 1, 2024 The report is conducted by the Department for Evaluation in Norad The ... The Department for Evaluation is responsible for conducting independent evaluations of activities funded over the ODA budget. The department is governed under a separate mandate and associated strategy issued