Project Cooperation between LO and CTC-Cuba
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Om publikasjonen
Utført av: | Per Ranestad and Mercedes Arce |
Bestilt av: | Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions (LO) |
Område: | Cuba |
Tema: | Sysselsetting |
Antall sider: | 0 |
Prosjektnummer: | GLO-01/406 – 58 |
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LO has cooperated in project work with CTC-Cuba since 1999. Project work has involved:
• Support for the rehabilitation of CTC's national training centre (1999)
• Training in health, environment and safety (2000 - 2004)
• Training in gender issues (2000 - 2005)
• Training of union leaders in decentralised enterprises (labour law and collective agreements) (2004 - 2005)
In addition there have been other forms for cooperation between some of LO's sectoral unions and local organisations with sister organisations in Cuba.
The evaluation concentrates on cooperation between LO and CTC on the national level.
The purpose was to evaluate the progress in and the results of project cooperation. This will form the basis for considering future cooperation between LO and CTC during the next project period (2006 - 2009).
The evaluation team visited Cuba in the period February 22 - March 9, 2005. During the visit they conducted interviews with the administration of CTC at the national level, two provincial training centres, one sectoral union, a local enterprise from another sector, two independent experts (in economy and sociology) and LO's local auditor. Key persons in LO were interviewed. Project documents and reports from LO and CTC were studied.
Key findings
• Project cooperation has been relevant and has given positive results.
• The projects have reflected the general goal of strengthening the union movement and preparing unions to meet challenges brought about by changes in the national and international economy.
• The enthusiasm, creativity and increased self confidence of Cuban participants are impressive.
• Decentralisation of decision-making processes has been reversed. In many cases responsibility is moved from the local enterprise to the national level.
• Training in gender issues is still necessary.
• The same training material has not always been distributed to course leaders and to local union leaders.
• Considerably more union leaders have been trained than was planned, especially in labour law.
• Participants have learned a great deal about law, regulations, procedures and the ability to identify problems, give priority and negotiate solutions.
• Training of course leaders has contributed to the sustainability of the project.
• Cooperation should continue under the general topic of collective agreements.
• The topics covered should be adapted to needs at the local level. The contents of training should be determined through two-way communication between local union leaders and the CTC at the national level.
• Gender issues should be integrated in the training.
• Course instructors should be generalists who can teach in all subjects.
• Participants should not be limited to union leaders from decentralised enterprises.
• Funds used for technical equipment and the production of training material should remain on the same level or be increased.
Comments from the organisation
LO finds the evaluation to be useful. A new project agreement with the CTC will be negotiated based upon the recommendations of the evaluation team.
LOs cooperation will continue to give priority to discussions concerning human rights, for example, access to information and internal democracy.