Independent Mid-Term Review of Institutional Collaboration between Hawassa and Mekelle Universities and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:April 2017
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av:Anne Wetlesen and Bodil Maal, Norad, Norway. Melaku Bekele and Tadesse Woldemariam Conscientia, Training, Consultancy and Research PLC., Ethiopia
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:41
Prosjektnummer:PTA No. Eth-13/0027

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Collaboration between Mekelle university (MU) and Hawassa university (HU) in Ethiopia and the Norwegian university for life sciences in Norway (NMBU) has been supported by the Norwegian Government since the mid 1990’ties. Agreement to support phase IV were signed in November 2015.

A five year programme was appraised, but the donor only committed funding for the first two years. Later, a bridging agreement for the third year is about to be signed during spring 2017. Funding for the two last year of the programme will be decided based on an independent mid-term review (MTR).

Terms of reference for the review can be found in ANNEX I. A review team (RT) was composed by two senior advisers from Norad and two independent consultants from Ethiopia.

The review is based on document assessments and interviews with stakeholder. List of documents and stakeholders can be found in ANNEXES II and III, respectively. The review took place in Norway and Ethiopia during spring 2017.