Multistakeholder Forestry Program Milestones and Challenges, 2010

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2010
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av:Antoinette G. Royo, Esq with Andik Hardiyanto, Zulkifli Alamsyah and Lili Hasanuddin
Bestilt av:Royal Norwegian Embassy Jakarta
Tema:Klima og miljø, Primærnæringer
Antall sider:128

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The Project 

The Multistakeholder Forestry Program has been implemented by the Partnership for Governance Reform Indonesia (Kemitraan) with financial support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy since 2007. The project aimed to improve forest governance, deliver more equitable benefits to primary forest stakeholders, and encourage more sustainable management of forest resources. It builds on previous support from the Department for International Development – United Kingdom (DFID-UK). The Norwegian funding was approximately NOK 42 million over the three-year period (2007-2010).


Interesting Findings

  • Kemitraan channeled grant funds to six different regions in Indonesia, with significant national level/Jakarta-based contributions, to support a momentum of community-led forest management, and forest and climate consultations.
  • By 2010, over a dozen forest co-management implementation arrangements and modalities have been accomplished.
  • As of December 2009, five community foundations (set up prior to 2007) have provided a total of over a hundred grants to local NGOs and community organizations which work in 42 different districts supporting approximately 54,000 households in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and Java.
  • Over a dozen national and local policies, laws and regulations related to community-based forest management and landscape management have been drafted and issued.
  • There is evidence of good governance of organizations around forest management and climate, but tenure remains insecure.
  • Gender mainstreaming was set up, but need stronger push in programming and implementation.