Evaluation of Norwegian Assistance to Peace, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation in Mozambique
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Om publikasjonen
Utgitt: | Mai 1997 |
Type: | Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer |
Utført av: | Chr. Michelsen Institute in association with Nordic Consulting Group |
Bestilt av: | Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Område: | Mosambik |
Tema: | Konflikt, fred og sikkerhet |
Antall sider: | 160 |
Serienummer: | 4/1997 |
ISBN: | 82-7177-465-5 |
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir
This report has two objectives. The first is to analyse the effects of Norwegian assistance to Mozambique on the processes of peacemaking, reconciliation and rehabilitation in the period 1990-95. The second, broader aim is to look at Mozambique as a contemporary success story of internationally supported peace-building in the developing world and draw out general conclusions on the role of donor assistance in processes of this kind.