Mid-term Evaluation of the EEA Grants

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:September 2008
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC)
Bestilt av:Norad’s Evaluation Department on request from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Område:Europa, Estland, Polen, Tsjekkia
Antall sider:90

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The key objective of this mid-term evaluation is to guide the implementation of current grants and future programming. The evaluation is comprehensive in scope, covering all fifteen beneficiary states, with case studies in three beneficiary states: the Czech Republic, Estonia and Poland. The analysis covers the period from inception in 2004 until end of March 2008.

Key overall findings

  • The program has been welcomed very enthusiastically by the beneficiaries and the demonstrated in-country demand is high.
  • Despite some successes, there are considerable inefficiencies in implementation, which have led to significant delays.
  • Objectives at program level are vaguely defined and are not supported by indicators and targets.
  • The most successful implementation modality appears to be the block grants and programs.
  • Timely accomplishment of disbursement objectives is at risk due to delays in initial implementation.