Mid-Term Review of Strømme Foundation’s Norad Grant Agreement

About the publication

Published:November 2022
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:DR. ALAMISSASAWADOG et al
Commissioned by:Norad
Number of pages:20
Serial number:11/2022
Project number:GLO-0640 QZA-18/035

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

This Mid-Term Review (MTR) has been undertaken in accordance with Strømme Foundation’s (SF) Grant AgreementG LO-0640Q ZA-18/0355w ith Norad for the StrategicP lan 2019-2023.

The purpose of the Mid-Term Review is to assess factors influencing programme performance, progresst owards achievingt he plannedr esults,i dentify lessonsle arnt and provide recommendations for the continued implementation of SF’s current Strategic Plan. The MTR was conducted in all SF’s countries of intervention, except for Sri Lanka, where programme implementation ended in December 2021, and Myanmar, due to the current political situation. The analysis was conducted within the framework of the OECD/DAC’s six evaluation criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, relevance,
sustainability, coherence, and impact.

The overall impression from the MTR is positive. SF’sp rogrammes are being implemented effectively and efficiently. Despitet he impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, progress towards the five-year targets for the Strategic Plan is strong. 72% of SF’s global outcome targets and 88% of SF’s global output
targets for the mid-term stage have been achievedo r exceeded. Moreover, the assessments how good progress towards planned impacts under the current Strategic Plan, particularly in the West Africa and Asia regions. The East Africa region experienced slight delays in implementation, mainly
due to prolonged national lockdowns and school closures, particularly impacting results in Uganda and South Sudan.