Greener development cooperation
Norad has set itself ambitious climate and environmental objectives, both for its own operations and for the development assistance we manage. By 2030 Norad will halve emissions from its own operations in line with the 1,5-degree target of the Paris agreement.
Norad is certified for environmental management in line with the ISO 14001 standard. The standard is used to manage organisations’ environmental impact. Norad has adopted an environmental policy, set environmental objectives – and developed an action plan for greener development cooperation.
Environmental policy
Environment and climate concerns will be integrated in all the work that Norad does, in line with Norad’s strategy towards 2030. It will be a guiding principle when developing new partnerships and initiatives. Norad’s environmental policy states that Norad will be an ambitious and leading change agent. The aim is for Norwegian development cooperation, and Norad’s own operations, to promote global and Norwegian environmental goals for climate, biodiversity and other environmental issues.
Norad also expects its grant recipients and suppliers to reduce their own emissions and contribute to reach the goals of the Paris agreement and other international environmental goals.
Environmental objectives
Norad has set environmental objectives in the areas where it has most impact on the climate and the environment.
In its own operations Norad will from 2022 and onwards:
- Reduce CO2 emissions from duty travel by 30% compared to 2019
- Set environmental requirements in all procurements that have a significant impact on the environment
In its development assistance Norad will from 2022 and onwards:
- Establish environmental focus areas in all sections that manage development assistance. Environmental focus areas can be thematic areas that contribute to environmental aims (for example vocational training for green jobs) or other activities with the section’s area of work that strengthen climate and environmental considerations.
- Contribute to 50% of Norad’s key partners having environmental management and performance on the agenda in annual meetings and board meetings. From 2023 the objective includes all key partners. Key partners are grant recipients that will be selected among Norad’s major partners and followed up specifically with a view to promoting a green transition.
Action plan for greener development cooperation
Norad’s action plan for greener development cooperation provides the framework for how Norad will work to improve its environmental performance. Norad will contribute more to climate adaptation, low emissions development and biodiversity through five priority areas:
- Reduce the environmental footprint of Norad’s own operations
- Make environment and climate assistance even more effective
- Support international environmental goals in all development cooperation sectors
- Contribute to a green transition among major development actors
- Support national implementation of international environmental agreements.