Mine clearing in Ukraine

The Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine

The Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine is a Norwegian civilian and military support programme of NOK 135 billion covering the period 2023-2030. The total budget and duration of the programme was extended in December 2024. The distribution between civilian and military support is determined annually in line with Ukrainian needs. In 2024, approximately NOK 27 billion was distributed through the Nansen Support Programme: NOK 10 billion in civilian and humanitarian support and NOK 17 billion in military support.

Ukraine flags

Норвегія напряму підтримує українські організації громадянського суспільства

Man in UNHCR sweatshirt helps women move boxes.
Results story

Essential Support for People Displaced by the War in Ukraine

The full-scale invasion of Ukraine has triggered the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. Norwegian support to UNHCR is critical in ensuring that more people receive the help they need.

In Ukrainian