Report a concern

Internal Audit and Investigations manages cases related to suspicion of financial irregularities within Norad’s grant management and alerts of harassment by Norad's partners. Other alerts or notifications relating to our employees are handled by the Norad’s Department for Organisational Development.

If you know of or suspect irregularities or illegal activity happening with Norad’s grant recipients, third parties, or within Norad, we ask you to report it to The Internal Audit & Investigation unit. You can report allegations such as bribery, theft, fraud, embezzlement, conflict of interest, nepotism, discrimination, sexual abuse, exploitation and sexual harassment (SEAH) or other forms of harassment.

All reports are assessed on a case by case basis. Norad will investigate all reports with credible and sufficient content. 

Notifications are to be sent by email to Please please use this notification formNB! Submit the form as a Word document.

Grant recipients: please fill inn Agreement number (PTA-number) and information about any other donors.

The Internal Audit & Investigations unit treats all reports with confidentiality. If you still wish to remain anonymous towards the Internal Audit & Investigation Unit, you can instead report via Norad’s external notification channel which is operated by EY. EY will forward the notification to Norad's internal audit for investigation, without your identity being made known to Norad.

Via web:

Electronic report form

By letter:

Ernst & Young AS
Att: Granskingsenheten (Forensics), Oslo Atrium
Postboks 1156 Sentrum
NO-0107 Oslo

By phone:

+ 47 24 00 20 14

Working days, 08 – 16
(Central European Time)

QR-kode for web form:

Scan and use handheld unit such as mobile phone or tablet

Report a concern

Report your concern to the Norad Internal Audit & Investigation unit

Published 5/22/2024
Published 5/22/2024
Updated 5/22/2024
Updated 5/22/2024