Mid-Term Evaluation Of Norway-Colombia- GGGI Green Growth Programme 2020-2023

About the publication

Published:February 2023
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:Baastel
Commissioned by:Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Theme:Naturressurser, Skog
Number of pages:102
Serial number:9/2023

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The objective of this assignment is to conduct an independent mid-term evaluation of the second phase of the financial support of the Kingdom of Norway to Global Green Growth Institute’s Colombia Country Programme 2020-2023.

The evaluation seeks to generate knowledge from the implementation of Phase II, reflecting on challenges, identify lessons learned, and propose recommendations for possible future phases of support.

The evaluation examines the relevance, effectiveness, impact, efficiency and sustainability of the programme’s results (the evaluation matrix is presented in Annex 1). The findings are based on the triangulation of data collected through the in-depth review of key documents, remote interviews to GGGI, Embassy of Norway, national and subnational counterparts (21 interviewees) and field visits to two priority regions (Putumayo and Antioquia), where interviews with the programme team, partners and beneficiaries (19 interviewees) were conducted and direct observation was carried out.