Final Evaluation Report ACT Capacity Building Project

About the publication

Published:May 2022
Carried out by:Rawaa Salhi
Theme:Sivilt samfunn
Number of pages:30
Project number:QZA-18/0159-329

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper


The goal of this project is strengthening the civil society in Tunisia with the ability and capacity to promote democratization, human rights relation, and poverty reduction. Five local associations are given practical training and mentoring during application and implementation of a project. The project period is 2019-2022.


The evaluation aims to assess the overall achievements of the project – both intended, as measured against the project’s Expected Achievements, and unintended, to be measured through suggested theory of change indicators and other criteria to be developed and help identify lessons learnt for future projects.


An evaluations matrix was prepared as a tool for data collection and analyses. The answers to the evaluation questions constitutes the main body of the report, in addition to lessons learned and recommendations.

The evaluation used a mix of quantitative and qualitative data that was been collected through a literature review and fieldwork. An in-depth, systematic, and rigorous document with focus on key evaluation questions, based in reports given from the project, and other secondary sources was made before starting the fieldwork. The following four tools were used to get information; (1.) Document analysis, (2.) Focus group conversations from local partner ACT and the local associations (3.) Semi-structured individual interviews, and (4.) survey using evaluative questions and the monitoring tools Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) and Capacity Assessment for Project Implementation (CAPI)

Key findings:

The project was relevant, and in line with the priority needs of the select local associations and with the priority needs of Tunisian civil society. Although there is evidence of local ownership in the associations, there are some concerns about the management approach for long term sustainability in the associations. The project was broadly effective, in that planned results were essentially achieved. The small-scale project has increased project experience and helped strengthen the project implementation capacity of local associations. And network meetings have contributed to strengthen the network capacity of these associations. The efficiency of the project is clear, and the “value-for-money” can be considered as satisfactory. The monitoring tools and steering committee helped the project achieve its objectives. Sustainability has been ensured by the knowledge that has been transmitted to local associations. The project also achieved identifiable and attributable elements of impact, but the evaluator is of the opinion that a wider cooperation with public institution or with the private sector could improve the impact on society. ACT is acknowledged as an impartial organization, and the associations have great confidence with them. The project has a high visibility, and has emphasized transparency and good communication.


The evaluation report comes with three recommendations. The first is about a wider collaboration between the civil society and the public and private sector during the next phases of the project. The second is to institutionalize the networking between the associations. And the third is about improving the internal structuring of local associations, and work with more material support (funding).

Comments from the organisation, if any:

Association for Cooperation and Transformation (ACT) have presented a response to the evaluation with comments under the headlines Findings, conclusions, and Recommendations. They are willing to adapt and learn. They don’t disagree with findings or conclusions but explains their actions in some points. For example, they agree on the conclusion that there has been little involvement with public and private institutions but name the extreme corruption that are present as a reason for this. They are working with networking and agree on the recommendations presented.

Norwegian Lutheran Mission:

The final evaluation report describes a successful project and provides relevant and important recommendations for possible improvements in future projects. The monitoring tools that are used is given a positive remark. ACT, our partner in Tunisia is described as professional and with integrity. The consultant writes that the project gives value for the money. But, although we understand the concern for professionalism in every level of the local associations, we are a bit skeptical at the idea that more funding is crucial for the sustainability of this type of project. As we see it, the intention of the project is that change is possible with putting knowledge in practice at any level. We are well pleased with the evaluation, considering that the project has been significantly hindered by the pandemic and other external factors, and therefore have been given this one-year extension.


After the evaluation was carried out, it was decided that Tunisia will leave the country portfolio of Digni in the new agreement period with Norad from 2023. The evaluation is nevertheless considered useful for continued work in Tunisia under the auspices of NLM with its own funds.