Evaluation programme 2023-2024

About the publication

Published:May 2023
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Commissioned by:Department of evaluation
Number of pages:21

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

Evaluation is an important instrument for an effective development policy. While different parts of the Norwegian development aid administration are responsible for reporting the results of individual aid interventions, the Evaluation Department has a particular responsibility for documenting the degree to which Norwegian development assistance is effective, relevant, and achieves the expected results. The department is governed under a separate mandate and reports directly to the Secretaries General of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.

The evaluation programme from the Department for Evaluation is decided every third year and updated yearly. This programme covers the years 2023 and 2024. The evaluation programme has been put together in consultation with actors both inside and outside the development aid administration. The evaluations have been selected based on an assessment of the significance, uniqueness and risk of Norway's development cooperation, as well as an assessment of the issues that are considered to be relevant during the period covered by the programme. The knowledge acquired through the evaluations will help increase learning and improve aid. 

The programme may be adjusted based on changes in needs and preconditions. The status of planned and ongoing evaluations can be found at Planned evaluations (norad.no).